XXIV • Regina

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"Cunt!" Paula grunted as she was forced to take the final trick containing three hearts and the queen of spades.

Primo rubbed his hands together gleefully. "23 more points for you!"

"Wanna switch off, baby?" the redhead called to Donnie, who was driving the RV.

"Not when you're losing by fifty points, darling!" he replied sweetly, and Molly barked a laugh from the bedroom.

"Hate this fucking game," Paula muttered, and dealt the next hand of cards.

"So you get to do the fun run this month, huh?" Michelle asked.

Daphne raised an eyebrow. "Fun run?"

"Once a month Negan does a special run. He never comes back with anything, that we know of, anyway," Michelle explained, frowning as she looked over her hand. She picked out three and slid them to Primo. "Usually Simon goes with him, but since his leg is all fucked up I guess you get the honours."

"Oh, he would have taken her anyway," Paula teased, and slid Daphne three cards.

"I don't know, those are big shoes to fill," the blonde said. "I might have to grow a moustache. Think I would look good with a moustache? Maybe a goatee?" She rubbed her chin.

"Really, Chelle?" Primo groaned as he added Michelle's cards to his hand. "Hate this fucking game."

"We could play euchre instead," Daphne suggested, brightening. Donnie suddenly slammed on the brakes and they all scrambled to stay upright. Molly barrelled out of the back, wide eyed.

"What is it?" she asked breathlessly as Donnie hopped out his of his seat.

"If ya'll are playing euchre, I'll switch," he said, and Paula punched his shoulder.

"Asshole," she growled, but her lips twitched with a smile as she said it.

They drove for a few hours, and they'd played euchre (where Primo and Daphne remained undefeated) and eventually crazy eights when Molly decided napping wasn't working for her and joined the table

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They drove for a few hours, and they'd played euchre (where Primo and Daphne remained undefeated) and eventually crazy eights when Molly decided napping wasn't working for her and joined the table.

The older woman dominated the game when Paula pulled up to a stop in front of an unimpressive concrete building.

"Ah, I will miss my creature comforts at home." Donnie stretched his arms over his head and cracked his spine as he stood. "I hope Darcy didn't fuck up our room too badly," he said as Paula led the way outside. 

Daphne trailed out last, and heard a high pitched squeal.

"Paula, baby!" A tall tanned woman with a honey brown mohawk practically flew to the redhead, wrapping her in a warm hug.

"Hi, Regina," Paula croaked, feigning like she couldn't breathe, and the tall woman trilled a laugh. She turned to Donnie, who swung her around in a circle, eliciting giggles. She jumped on Primo next, and he staggered a bit.

No Sanctuary For Old Men [18+] |Negan| ✔️ CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now