XLV • Ezekiel

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"That chick terrifies me," Daphne admitted to Gavin as Letty sped off to take a post near the designated meeting place with Ezekiel.

"She's intense," he agreed. "Very good at what she does." He paused, raising an eyebrow. "Are we going to talk about what you're wearing?"

"Oh, this old thing?" The blonde took her skirts in hand and curtsied. "I'm dressed to meet a King."

"You think this is going to work?" he asked as he led her towards the waiting truck.

Daphne grinned as she jumped up into the passenger seat. "I played Lady Macbeth in high school. I got this."

Gavin rolled his eyes. "You're as nuts as the big boss," he muttered as he shut the door for her.

The two Saviors in the backseat were intently staring down at a game they were playing, and Daphne peeked over them.

"Fucker!" the guy directly behind her barked, scrubbing his face with his hands.

"Why do you play that game if it pisses you off so much?" Gavin inquired, sounding amused, as he took his place behind the wheel.

"Maybe he's a masochist," the other guy said with a grin.

"If you stopped bouncing my shit I'd be able to play!" the first guy said and Daphne reached down to pluck a card from the seat.

"Oh jeez, Magic cards huh?" She laughed as she read the flavour text. "My roommate in college used to play this all the time. She had some really angry matches."

"When all your opponent plays is blue/black zombie decks it gets fucking frustrating," the guy behind her muttered.

"Zombie deck?" Daphne handed the card back with a raised eyebrow. "How fitting." She turned completely sideways in her seat and patted him on the shoulder. "Well let's see if I can remember the rules. I feel like a couple of Saviors should be able to take out a zombie horde."

By the time the convoy reached its destination, Daphne and her new friend Derrick had lost a grand total of three times.

"This game is balls!" she cried.

Their opponent, whose name had turned out to be Ross, leaned back with a grin of satisfaction. "It's not my fault I'm a better deck builder than you," he teased.

"Why don't you have any of those counterspells in this deck?" Daphne asked Derrick, picking it up to flip through it.

Ross smirked. "Because he refuses to play blue." 

"Only assholes play blue," his seatmate shot back, and Daphne shook her head.

She shrugged. "I don't know man, blue sounds like a pretty good strategy."

Derrick sighed. "I'm surrounded by assholes," he moaned.

"Enough, kids. Suit up," Gavin spoke up as he pulled the truck into park. The other two trucks had already stopped and Saviors jumped out, fully decked out with guns.

"Ugh, Jared?" Daphne scoffed as she noticed the long-haired dickbag in the rear view mirror, and both Ross and Derrick snickered.

She hopped down from the truck and slung her bag over one shoulder, keeping a handful of skirt in her hand to avoid the dusty road.

Jared smirked when he spotted her. "What are you supposed to be?"

"Your worst fucking nightmare if you don't keep your mouth shut," Daphne growled, and her truck mates looked amused and shell-shocked at her tone.

The sound of tires crunching gravel interrupted their standoff, and she turned to see a truck with a large wooden cab backing up the road. 

She turned to Derrick. "May I take your arm, gentle sir?" she asked in a faux English accent, and he chuckled, offering his elbow. She slipped her hand delicately through it and he led her towards the group emerging from the opposite truck.

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