Wake Up Honey

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Chapter 2

Arabella's POV

It was dark and cold, I've never been unconscious so this was new for me. My mom had explained the feeling before, I assumed it felt like sleeping. It's not, right now I feel like I'm floating. It's a really weird feeling.

I tried desperately to open my eyes, to inhale, nothing worked. I could feel my own life slipping away from me. There was nothing I could do to stop it. I couldn't even twitch.

It made me irritated. I hate not having control.

I could feel a tiny bit of pain here and there in my lower abdomen. I don't know why, or what was happening. Sometimes it really hurt, other times it was just a poke.

I felt when a needle went into my right arm, that stung like a bitch. A number one rule you should know, I have trypanophobia. Or more commonly known as, the fear of needles and injections.

Goddess I had a ton of phobias. Especially Arachnophobia. I hate spiders. So much.

I froze, confusion spread through my body. I could feel something. My hand was being held, I concentrated, trying to wiggle my fingers to tell the person I was okay.

"How long has she been out?"

I heard a somewhat faint voice ask, and the person holding my hand, a guy answered.

"A few days, the doctors expected that, she's not 17 yet so it's taking a tiny bit longer to heal then older werewolves, she'll be okay. I just want to be the first person she sees when she wakes up." My hand holder answered, and I immediately knew who it was, Axton.

"Dude, you need to rest and get something to eat. You haven't left her side yet." The other stranger said, and Axe's grip on my hand tightened.

"I'm not leaving her."

"Come on dude-"

"I said I'm not leaving Arabella." Axton snarled, he was being territorial, as usual.

I used all of my strength to move my right hand, slightly squeezing his hand to say thank you. Apparently he noticed it instantly because he stopped talking.


"Axton what are you doing? She's in a coma she's not gonna hear you." The stranger said, and I knew it was Weston.

"She squeezed my hand Wes."

"She What??"

Then Weston was holding my right hand, so I concentrated and squeezed his hand.

"OH GODDESS ARA!" He shouted, causing me to internally laugh. "I'm so so sorry for hurting you little sis."

"O...Only... b-by... f-five.. m...minutes.." I croaked out, slowly regaining consciousness. When my eyes fluttered open, Wes did the one thing I never expected. He bursted into tears.

"Really? You've been asleep for 4 days and that's the first thing you say to me?" He laughed/cried. He called me little sis, he's only older by five minutes.

I gave a weak smile before turning my head towards Axton, squeezing his hand gently.

"Thank... thank you... for not... not leaving." I struggled to speak but still formed the sentence." Axton halfway smiled and leaned down, and before I could register anything he kissed me. On my lips. As soon as our lips connected, it's like I went brain dead. My eyes shut automatically and I FREAKING KISSED HIM BACK. Oh goddess..

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