A Huge Mess

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Chapter 3

Arabella's POV

I whipped into the drive and had just turned off the truck as I swung my door open and leapt out, my eyes were wide and I was searching everywhere for him. He wasn't here.

"Ara! You're here!" Weston shouted, and then crushed me with a bear hug.

"Where is he!"

"I told you Ara, he went nuts."

"No way."

"Yes way! Apparently he went roaring into the city looking for you and the cops arrested him for speeding, crashing into signs, and doing multiple hit and runs."

"That's ridiculous! If they just-"

"Ara. Axton was wanted."

I stood there with a dumbfounded look on my face. He was wanted? But for what?


"He had a fucking bounty Ara. He was wanted."

"No. No way."

"Ara, I know this is hard to understand-"

"No you don't understand damnit!" I shouted, shoving my twin away and whirling around. I marched back towards my truck and swung myself into the drivers seat.

"Ara, be rational. This isn't a good idea."

"I wouldn't be in this mess if we didn't get into a fight." I growled, slamming my door shut, and speeding away towards my mate.


When I pulled into the parking lot of the prison I practically leapt out of the truck, again. I sprinted inside and towards the front desk. When I slammed my fists down on the desk, the receptionist looked up at me wide eyed.

"Axton Pierce please."

"You want to see Pierce?" She asked warily, her eyes studying me as if I was crazy. My wolf got upset by her staring me down, she instantly took it as challenging the Alpha's Daughter.

"Yes. He's. My. Fricking. M-Boyfriend." I snarled, I could tell my eyes grew darker so I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. Cloud wanted to tear this women apart.

"Miss please relax, it was just a simple question." The receptionist said gently, lifting up the phone as she dialed a number.

"Hello, Officer Jay? This is Quincy. Mhm, yeah. Is Axton Pierce allowed to have a visitor?" The receptionist, Quincy asked. She seemed to be listening intently, so me being the curious girl I am, I tuned into their conversation. 

"Why? Who wants to see him?"

"Uhm, hold on." Quincy looked up at me. "What's your name dearie?"

I thought for a second, should I give her my real name? The receptionist stared at me, waiting for an answer.

"Uhm.. my name is.. Melody." I spit out, goddess sorry Mel. I hope she didn't mind me using her name. (For those of you who didn't read my first book, Melody is a pretty red headed shewolf. She's the top female warrior, close friends with Arden, Ara's Dad.)

The receptionist nodded. "Her name is Melody, she claims to be the boys girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? Uhhh yea sure, she can see the kid."

She looked up at me with a smile, then nodded towards a heavy, metal door. I nodded back and walked towards it, slowly opening it to see a Phone room. To make calls. They expected me to speak through a glass wall? I dashed back out towards Quincy, who almost hung up the phone.

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