Running Out Of Time

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Chapter 13

Arabella's POV

Soon it was nightfall and I could feel my whole body trembling in both fear and excitement. This is my purpose. This is my destiny. I have to do this.
I just kept telling myself these words over and over again.
I don't know if this is the right thing.
Is it?

No. My wolf huffed. I almost screeched in surprise, this is my first time heading from her a while.
Welcome back my dear Cloud. I chuckled, she just growled at me in return.
God, what's got her fur in a bunch?
She's just being pissy maybe.
Or she's mad that I'm going after this girl. Either one I don't care.

Then it happened.

I caught scent of that precious little mutt.
Mommy and daddy will be mad.
Oh well.

Ara, turn back now. I heard Cloud whisper, but it almost seemed muffled. All I could focus on was her.
It's always been her.
Not me, her. She's in my way.
Arabella stop- I shut Cloud out and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath to calm my now racing heart.
Why was I finding this one task so hard now?
My heartbeat was staggered almost, and it was thumping so loudly I was afraid everyone would wake up.
Of course it didn't.
I was just overreacting.

So I shoved everything to the side and quietly shifted into my wolf, then bolted into the territory.

Axton's POV

We were close to our destination, I could tell because Ara's scent grew stronger by the millisecond.
I will get her before it's too late.
I promise myself.

My crew were panting and whimpering, tired of running and they wanted to stop.
They also could smell her though and were trying to push themselves to their limits.
I thank them for that, but they needed to rest so I brought them to a small cave.

"Rest for the night."

"Thank you Alpha." Everyone except Nevaeh said at once, we brought blankets and extra clothes so each person shifted one by one, threw on clothes and got under a blanket to sleep.
I love Arabella, but in order to save her my pack needs to be ready. Not exhausted.

I knew that for a fact.

"Axe." Addy whispered, her hands gripping my fur slightly to catch me attention. "Shift back. You should sleep. You may not be my warrior anymore but I still care about you."

Her voice was soft but shaky. You see, Addy and Reef were on vacation in Hawaii when Ara was taken, they were rushed back here as soon as they got the news and Addy was just torn apart.
She loved her niece.

With a sigh, I nodded and grabbed some clothes, stalking outside the cave to shift back and pull them on. I came back inside and pulled one of the blankets over me and laid next to her.
She's like my sister, my bestfriend. Even though she's older then me by a few years.

"Stop thinking Axton." She commanded. "Sleep. Ara would want you to sleep." Her hazel eyes filled with tears at the mention of her niece, but quickly regained her composure.
I nodded slowly, allowing my eyes to close and grudgingly, I fell into a restless sleep.


Arabella's POV

She was so close. So fricking close.

Where did she go.

I masked her scent. My wolf said snidely, a wolffish from on her face. She doesn't deserve this.

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