They Are Both Mine

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Chapter 7

Arabella's POV

My mate froze mid kick, his eyes wide as he slowly turned his head and looked me dead in the eyes. I could see his breathing quicken and his muscles tense up.


"What the fuck are you doing." My voice came out as a bark, which slightly surprised me.

"I-He- I.."

"Shut the hell up Axton." I stepped forward, aggressively I might add. My eyes darkened as I looked Colby over. His eyes were shut and his breathing was wild, honestly it scared me. Is face was covered in bruises and he was bleeding, a lot I might add. "Axton.. he's my best friend."

"I can see the way he looks at you Ara! He loves you.. and you love him."

"Yes we've had past relationships together Axe, But we agreed when we found our mates to drop it!" Colby, now sitting up, nodded in agreement.

"I'm sorry bro, she's my best friend."

Slowly, I started walking forward. I held my wolf back and took a deep breath, kneeling in front of my best friend. My fingertips skimmed his jawline as I examined his face.

"I'm taking you to the pack doctor."

"No you aren't Ara." I rose my eyebrow, staring at him. I will win and he's going to the doctors.

"Colby. You are going. Don't fight with me." He gave me a groan in return, before grabbing my hand and letting me help him stand up. I looked an arm around his waist, noticing his limping. Colby looked up at Axton with a goofy grin.

"Damn Dude, you give a good fight."

"Thanks bro, so do you." Axe grinned at him, maybe they can be friends.

I pulled Colby away and began to drag him toward the pack doctor, Hugo.

A few days later

Colby and Axton were finally getting along, they were pretty much best friends. They are both mine, and will always be mine. One is my mate, the other is my best friend. We may not be dating, but he's still mine.

Currently, Axton and I are walking around the perimeter of our territory, Alphas rules.


"Yes Axton." I didn't bother to even look up at him, I just kept walking and looking at my surroundings.

"Somethings wrong.." This caught my attention, and my eyes snapped up towards his.

"What is it?"

"Someone or something is watching us." He looked around nervously, his grip on my hand tightening. He was actually scared, which meant he wasn't lying. A twig to the right side of us snapped, and I froze in place. Whoever this is, they are in our territory. The boundary is on my left side.

"Who's there?"

No reply.

'Of course they won't reply stupid' Cloud snapped at me, she was on edge too.

'Shush. Not now Cloud.'

A man stepped out from behind a tree, a wicked smile on his face.

"Hello Arabella Bayne." I could've sworn my heart stopped, my eyes wide. How did he know who I was?
"Now. You probably don't know me, and neither does your mother. But oh I know who you are."

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