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Santana and QJ sat quietly in the doctor's office, waiting to be called back by one of the nurses

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Santana and QJ sat quietly in the doctor's office, waiting to be called back by one of the nurses. She felt QJ pulling away from her and she didn't know what to do, or what to say, to convince him that she wasn't in love with Tony anymore.

"Can you please just talk to me?" She begged, looking over at him.

"I don't have anything to say." He responded, pretending to read a magazine.

"Why can't you understand that I was only trying to do what's right for you and my brothers? I would die if something happened to you or them."

"I'm not about to discuss this right now." He told her.

"Well you won't talk to me at home so here is the next best thing!" Even though they were still living together, they were sleeping in separate rooms because they refused to talk to each other. Santana felt like QJ was overreacting, but she was trying to see things in his point of view. He wasn't making things any clearer for her though.

"Look...I just can't shake the fact that you still have some type of feelings for that nigga. I mean...you two have history and I'm the rebound nigga that just swooped in and possibly got you knocked up." He admitted.

"Is that what you think? Like seriously?" He nodded his head. "Okay I'll admit, I do still have love for Tony, but I'm not in love with him anymore. For fuck sakes, he murdered my dad, kidnapped me and my niece, and lied to me about everything! If anything...we owe him a big thanks."

"A big thanks? For what?" QJ scoffed.

"Because if it wasn't for him, your dad, and that woman who gave birth to me... then I would've never met you. Believe it or not, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'll be damned if I let this come in between us!" QJ smirked as he looked over into Santana's big brown eyes, grabbed her chin, and placed a wet kiss on her lips.

"Yeah you're right, and I'm sorry for how I've been acting. I love your ass too much to be mad at you for too long."

"Mhm. Show me how sorry you are when we get back home."

"How bout I show you right now." He mumbled, licking his lips. He started kissing on her cheek, moving down to her neck, but they were interrupted by the nurse calling Santana's name.

"Miss Alvarez?"

"Rain check?" Santana smirked, as they stood up and headed to the back. After getting her weight checked and giving a urine sample, Santana joined QJ in the examining room where she was told to undress from the waist down and wait for the doctor. "Ugh I want some garlic pickles."

"Ewww. Shit sounds nasty." QJ grunted, scrunching up his face.

"Oh hush. They're so good and I want them on a bacon cheeseburger! Ohhhh with tater tots, smothered in cheese, ketchup, and ranch!" Santana had been having extreme cravings lately and each craving was worse then the last.

"Yo, you making me hungry."

"I got something you could eat." She smirked, making him chuckle.

"Mm...and I got a craving for that sweet cookie." He was about to ease over towards her so they could mess around, but there was a knock on the door and the doctor entered.

"Well hello there. I'm Dr. Hart and you must be Santana." He said, shaking both her and QJ's hand. "Yolanda told me she was referring someone to me, but I had no idea that you were her sister-in-law."

"Yep...that's me. She spoke so highly of you so I know you're a great OBGYN." She said.

"One of the best, according to just about every one of my patients." He laughed. "So I see here that you're pregnant, congratulations by the way, and according to your chart...you're about ten weeks along."

"Sounds about right."

"All right...lay back and lift your shirt up so we can see your baby and listen to its heartbeat." He instructed. She did what she was told as she lifted her shirt up and laid back. Her growing little baby bump made her smile as the doctor squirted a little gel on her stomach. He pressed the probe down onto her stomach and moved it around, searching for the baby.

"So is this your first baby?" He asked her.

"Yeah...I'm still in shock." She answered looking at the screen.

"Me and her both." QJ chimed in, squinting his eyes as he stared at the screen.

"Well here's something that's going to shock you both just a little bit more...you're pregnant with twins!" Both QJ and Santana eyes widened as the looked over at each other.

"Twins? Are you sure?" Santana asked.

"One hundred percent positive. See there on the screen...there's baby A...and right there is baby B."

"There ain't no baby C hiding in there is it? Because she's a triplet!" QJ said, staring at the screen.

"Well sometimes...if there are three baby's, one of the baby's tend to hide behind their other sibling or siblings." Dr. Hart explained.

"Oh God...that's exactly what happened with my mom. She thought she was having twin boys, but hellooo! I was hiding behind them both, having a friendly game of hide n seek." Santana sighed, wiping her falling tears. They were tears of joy, shock, and fear.

"Well we won't know for sure, but during your next visit we will see if the third baby, if there is one, makes an appearance."

"Oh God." QJ mumbled. It was shocking to find out that he and Santana were expecting twins, but triplets? That was something he wasn't expecting, even though there was a 50/50 chance that she would become pregnant with triplets.

"So...I know this may sound crazy, but...are you sure you want to stick around?" She asked him. QJ had barely said a word since leaving the doctor's office and she just feels like the shock hadn't worn off yet.

"I'm sure...I just...I need a minute." He said.

"That's understandable, but the doctor didn't necessarily say that I was having triplets. As far as we're concerned, we're only having twins." She told him.

"I'm not tripping off the fact that we may or may not be having three kids, I'm tripping off the fact that one of those baby's might be mine and the other might be Tony's."

"WHAT? That can't really happen, can it?" She shrieked.

"Of course it can. I'm not sure what the scientific term for it is called, but shit like that can happen." He said.

"Okay well I don't want to think about all that right now. All I want is my bacon cheeseburger with garlic pickles and tater tots!"

"Okay baby, okay. I'll go grab us some food while you get yourself moved back into our bedroom." He told her.

"Okay...hurry back daddy." She placed a soft kiss on his lips, only to have him grip her ass and pull her close to him. He missed her ass like crazy and he was going to give her that work as soon as he fulfilled her cravings. Every last one of her cravings.

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