Chapter Thirty-Three

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Zara's POV

'Tell me what's going on, Hafsa. We've bought the tie for your brother, and you're still trying to think of excuses for us not to return home yet. Is something wrong? Our parents must be getting worried, it's over half 9!' I ask Hafsa, exhausted. We've been walking around the mall for ages, it's as if we are just trying to waste time. Something is going on, but Hafsa won't tell me.

She looks at me for a second, before looking away. It seems as though she is trying to look anywhere but at me. "Nothing! Nothing's going on, I was just enjoying myself. We haven't been shopping in ages, and I don't want to go home yet. I know it's late, though."

I frown. 'We can go shopping tomorrow, or next week, or any day! There's no problem with that. I'm enjoying myself too, Hafsa, but our parents must be getting worried now.'

She nods. "We'll go in a minute." She takes her phone out of her purse, and rings someone's number, but the person doesn't answer. Hafsa has constantly been checking her phone, and trying to ring someone. Who?

I nod, sighing. I'll get to the bottom of this.              


Zaid's POV

I have been pacing my study for the past half hour. Why aren't Mum or Dad answering? And why hasn't Hafsa updated me on anything? She must be back at Zara's home now. What's going on at her home?

I've never felt so nervous before in my entire life. Afraid. Worried. It seems as though I am feeling just about everything right now. Should I go there, to see for myself what's going on? Or would that not be such a great idea?

Mum and Dad have been gone for ages now, they must have had the talk by now. How will Zara's parents have reacted? Are they happy, or unhappy? Are they shocked?

I grab my phone from my desk, and ring Hafsa's number. She answers a few seconds later.

'Yes, bhai?' She sighs through the phone. Am I just imagining things, or does Hafsa sound unhappy? Why is she unhappy?

"Hafsa, where are you? How did Zara's parents react? Tell me." I take a seat at my desk in my personal study, and tap my fingers on the desk. I'm nervous.

She takes a deep breath, before answering. 'They said no, bhai. They don't think you're the right guy for her. I'm sorry. We'll be returning soon.' And with that, she turns off the call.

What?! They said no? How can they say no just like that?

This can't be possible. But Hafsa wouldn't lie to me. She sounded very unhappy on the phone.

My headache turns a million times worse. How can they say no?! Zara is mine. Her parents are amazing people, they're lovely. How can they say no?


Zara's POV

'Okay, I'm back, Hafsa. Shall we go now?' I ask my best friend. I needed to use the bathroom, so I went to the toilets in the mall.

Why does Hafsa have a suspicious and mischievous grin on her face right now? What is she up to that she won't tell me?!

'Are you okay?' I ask her, slowly.

She nods, smiling. "Yes, I'm fine. Nervous, but fine."

I frown. 'Why are you nervous?' I ask her, suspiciously.

She looks at me and shakes her head dismissively. "Oh, it's nothing, babe. I just feel like I'm getting a headache. Apart from that, I'm all good." She doesn't meet my eyes when she says that, though. Something is definitely up, but what?

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