Chapter Forty-One

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Hafsa's POV

"Why, Mum? Why?! Why did this happen to Zara again?!" I cry into Mum's shoulder. She holds me, rubbing soothing circles into my back. She's crying, too.

'She will wake up soon, Hafsa. Zara will be completely fine, please don't cry. Do you want her to be even more upset and worried when she wakes up, and sees everyone in such a bad state?' Mum replies, gently.

"Mum, I would do anything in the world to take away Zara's pain. I want all her pain. I want her to be happy but now she's broken completely. If Zaid bhai hadn't reached her on time..." I cry even harder, thinking of what could have happened if Zaid bhai hadn't reached her.

I will kill Hamza. I will kill him. He will wish that he had never been born. He will pay for what he did to Zara.

'Shh, Hafsa. Calm down, baby, please. Zara will wake up soon, please don't be upset in front of her. She needs to get better soon, right?' Mum asks softly. I break the hug and look up at Mum's face. She is looking at Zara, with tears flowing down her cheeks. Dad is sitting on a couch at the other end of the ward, and he is very upset, too. Mum and Dad love Zara like she's their own daughter.

And Zaid bhai... Tears return to my eyes when I see him. He is holding Zara's hand gently, and he has fallen asleep with his head resting on the side of her hospital bed. He's in a very bad state right now. He is inconsolable. He loves her so much, it's obvious. Even a blind person would be able to see the love bhai has for Zara. It hurts so much to see both of them like this. Zaid bhai and Zara are the best people I know. There isn't a couple I know who are more perfect for each other than these two.

They're perfect for each other in every way. They complete each other. And they look so cute together all the time. I cry again, walking up to them. I place a hand on bhai's shoulder gently and shake him to wake him up.

"Zara," he whispers, his head shooting up. When he sees her lying in such a bad state on the bed, tears fill his eyes. His face holds the most painful expression. I feel so bad for him, for Zara. I want to make them both feel better, I want to take away all their pain. But I can't. There is nothing I can do to make them feel better.

'It's me, Zaid bhai. Please go home and get changed. Your clothes are stained with blood,' I whisper gently.

Zaid bhai shakes his head. "No, I won't leave her. Why hasn't she woken up yet? The doctor said she would wake up soon."

I give him a small, sad smile. 'Bhai, please go and get changed. Do you want Zara to see you in such a state, with blood-stained clothes when she wakes up? And she might be awake by the time you're back!'

"It's her blood, Hafsa. There was so much blood," he whispers, his eyes bloodshot red.

A tear spills out of my eye and I hastily wipe it away. I don't want to imagine the scenario. I can't imagine it. It hurts too much.

'Zaid bhai, please. Don't be upset, do you want Zara to see you so upset?' I whisper, trying to comfort my brother.

He shakes his head. "Why didn't I reach her on time, Hafsa? If I didn't go to the store to buy her some chocolates, I would have reached her before...he did." He looks disgusted.

'Bhai, you did reach her on time! You did, that's why she's.... You did reach her,' I say softly.

Just then, the hospital door bursts open. It's Ayesha and Rayyan. When they both see Zara, they start crying. Even Rayyan. And he's one of the strongest guys I know.

Ayesha runs to me and hugs me, crying into my shoulder. I hold her, crying too. Zaid bhai turns back to Zara. He doesn't care about anyone else right now, he doesn't see anyone else.

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