Chapter Thirty-Six

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Zaid's POV

'Put your coat on. We can't get out like this,' Zara mutters to me, grabbing her phone from my desk.

I smirk, before doing as I'm told. I put my coat on, doing the buttons. The lipstick marks on my shirt and neck are now not visible.

I turn to her, smiling. 'It's fine now, no one will see anything.'

She frowns, before nodding. "Okay. So, let's go?"

I grin, nodding. 'Yes, Zara. Let's go.'


I lead the way to the lifts, and we take my personal lift onto the top floor. When the door opens, I scan my card, opening the door of my personal penthouse. I last stayed here a couple of weeks ago, when the workload had been extremely large.

I look over at Zara, who is in awe. 'Do you like it?' I ask her, a small smile playing on my lips.

She looks at me and nods. "Of course I do, it's amazing," she replies, looking around.

I lead her into the hall. She glances at me, biting her lip. "So, do you want to go and change into something else? So I can help you clean up?" A faint blush creeps onto her cheeks.

I smirk. 'I can just take this shirt off?'

She blushes deeply. "I think we'll be able to clean this off your neck without removing your shirt. It won't be a problem," she says, walking towards the bathroom.

I chuckle internally. I'm making her nervous now, am I?

She started this, and I'll finish it. I follow her to the bathroom. She runs the warm water, checking the temperature before turning to me.

Her cheeks are scarlet. I love making her nervous like this. I was right. She feels something for me, too. It's not only one-sided. Although her feelings cannot be as strong as mine are.

I undo the first couple of buttons of my shirt, causing Zara to blush even harder.

She turns to the drawers, taking out a liquid soap and a sponge. She first wets the sponge, and then applies soap to it.

'Come here,' she tells me, making me sit on a stool. I smirk. I'm enjoying this very much.

When her fingers touch my neck, I feel my breath catch in my throat. She has absolutely no idea about the effect she has on me, does she?

With her gentle touch, she rubs the lipstick stain on my neck, and then cleans it with the soaped sponge. I look into her eyes, smiling gently. She's beautiful.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She whispers, looking at me with a raised brow.

I shrug. 'Because I want to.' She blushes at this. It makes me happy that I have this effect on her.

She runs the sponge under the warm water, and then again massages it over the side of my neck. It's crazy. The things she's making me feel even in this situation are unbelievable. I can't describe the feelings coursing through my body.

A few minutes later, she grabs a small hand towel from the drawers, and wipes away the water on my neck.

"All done?" I ask, looking into her eyes. My voice comes out slightly weird, so I clear my throat.

She nods. 'Yep, all done. Take a look in the mirror,' she replies, giving me a small smile.

I take a quick glance in the mirror, before turning to Zara and grinning. "Good. What about my shirt?" I ask, smirking.

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