Chapter Forty-Eight

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Zara's POV

Zaid and Hafsa both wake up when breakfast is served on the plane. Neither of them eat much, though, because they don't like plane food either. Zaid tells me that I should eat something, though.

'Zara, try to eat something. You must be hungry, you didn't eat much before either,' he says giving me a small, gentle smile which shows off his dimples. Aww! Every time he smiles, it melts my heart.

"I'm not hungry, I ate crisps before. And me and Hafsa had been munching on sweets, too. You haven't eaten anything either, you should eat something." I return the smile.

He shakes his head. 'I'm not too hungry either, and I don't really like plane food.'

I chuckle. "I don't blame you."

Just then, I hear Hafsa cough from beside me. I look over at her, giving her a small smile.

She frowns at me. 'I'm here too, you know! Both of you lovebirds keep forgetting about me!'

I blush, shaking my head. "How did you sleep?" I ask my best friend.

'Like a baby. I'm still tired, though.'

"We'll be landing in just one and a half hours," Zaid tells us, glancing at the screen in front of his seat.

I nod. 'Well, it's about time. I can't wait to reach,' I say, smiling. I feel so excited at the thought of meeting Mum's side of the family. My favourite aunts, uncles and cousins all live in Pakistan. The ones in England are alright, but I'm not close to them. I'm closer to my cousins in Pakistan, especially two of the girls. I can't wait to meet everyone. It feels like it's been ages since I last visited Pakistan. It's been two and a half years.

I'm even more excited at the thought of living under the same roof as Zaid for two weeks. Sure, I will be living with him after marriage, but I'm looking forward to these two weeks ahead of us. I know that Maryam and Hafsa especially will stop at no ends to tease me and Zaid, but I don't really mind. I love all these feelings I've had since the proposal. Every time I see him, my heart starts to beat a thousand times faster. I start to blush like crazy, even before he says a word to me. His mere presence gives me the best feelings in the world. Excitement, nervousness (but a good kind), happiness, and all the positive feelings in the world.

"Zaraaa!" Hafsa says, groaning.

I look towards her and shoot her a glare. 'Hafsa, don't speak. Please.'

I can feel Zaid laughing from beside me, but I ignore him. "Your best friend is in so much pain, but you don't even care!" She whispers, pouting.

I frown. This girl has absolutely no shame at all. Her brother is sitting right here, but she doesn't shut up. I know she's doing it on purpose.

'I'm in pain too, Hafsa. My head hurts,' I say, sighing.

"Has bhai given you a headache?" She asks, frowning at her brother.

'No, he hasn't. It's the sound of the plane that's making my head hurts,' I reply.

She nods. "I understand. My head was hurting too, earlier. So, Zara, I can't wait for you to come to our home," she says, grinning.


There she goes again.

I smile at her, nodding slightly. 'I know you can't wait, because I'm the best.'

She smiles, nodding. "You really are. I love you."

I chuckle. 'I love you more, Hafsa.'

She grins, pulling me into a side hug and kissing me on the cheek. "It'll be hilarious after your wedding, when we're living together, and we both give bhai a headache. Don't you agree, bhai? It will be so much fun."

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