The Beginning of The End [EDITED]

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The day started out warm, with a little wind and cloudy skies. Trees, flowers, and grass all stood still, undisturbed by the earth. The air was calm and fresh. In fact, the whole day was calming... for now. 

    The day wasn't over yet, it only being 2:00 PM. Kids in school were all wishing the day would end so they could go home and hang out with their friends. The teachers just wished everyone would settle down and listen to them so the lesson could be over with. And of course, there were the parents at work, they too wishing it would end sooner than scheduled. But despite all their wishing, they knew they couldn't have it stop since if it did they'd just have more work the next day, making life worse for everyone involved.

     And that's how it was in Willowsville. Endless boredom since nothing different or unusual ever happened, making life extremely predictable. School was one of these many predictable things: New learning material on Mondays, activities on Tuesdays, reviews on Wednesday, tests on Thursday, and maybe a project or two to be done on Friday which would be due the Monday continuing the endless cycle. Every job had been predictable as well ...well that is except for the Wolvers.

    Wolvers were people who hunted the wolf people of the area, which were much more complex and fiercer than movies made them out to be. These wolf people didn't look or act like werewolves, not exactly... no, they appeared as an average human and looked no different than anyone else.

    But once their thirst for blood and human flesh reached its limit they went full wolf mode. They were brutally dangerous when this happens. It is because of this knowledge that humans fear them and Wolvers try their best to kill any wolf people they see. This became a problem for not only the wolf people but for the half-bloods.

     A half-blood's transformation is still a bit more controllable than the wolf people's, yet despite this, they're hunted just as ruthlessly. The law that made this legal is called the Wolvers Law which is also what began the Wolvers and their work. It's been that way for years now but of course, there are some laws that can be changed by the country's, states, and in this case, the townspeople. And that starts with one person making a difference whether they be big or small and in this case they were small.

    And now it's time to see how it all happened, so let's move on to the beginning of the end.

     As you were previously told it had been just another average day in Willowsville with everyone at work and kids at school. With it being a Monday there was a project due today for the Willows junior high students. This project specifically is a history project, which every sixth-grade student found rather difficult, especially since this project included a presentation in front of the whole class. Which was to be done today, and thirteen-year-old Amber had found extremely difficult.

    She was a young half-blood with blond hair, Nordic blue eyes, and a slim body. Her skin was tan with little details, and she wore a black half sleeve t-shirt with a white tiger imprinted on it, denim jeans, and dark grey tennis shoes. She looked like she was or could be popular but her personality said otherwise. She was quiet and always tried to avoid conversation as much as possible. She had also been mistaken as a new kid a couple of times even though she had been going to school here ever since pre-K. This was mostly because she always sat in the back of the class, usually in a corner by a window, and was always the odd one out when it came to working in groups. This was was great for her since she wasn't too fond of talking, preferring the loner lifestyle. When classes took place she was always absent-minded, yet she always made decent grades on her work. The few times she had skipped class, her absence went unnoticed.

    Speaking of which, she was skipping class right now, hidden in the library, working on her history project that had yet to be finished. She was sitting at a roundtable on the far side of the library, hidden by a wall of shelves filled with books. On the table in front of her were a few colored pencils, two glue sticks, two no. 2 pencils, a small stack of notebook paper, the lines filled up with different words in neat handwriting, a large stack of blank note cards, and three history textbooks.

     She sighed as she flipped through the textbook with her pencil in hand. Napoleon...Napoleon...Napoleon, she repeated in her head as she scanned the text on each page until finally stopping on page 358. She then wrote down some information on her note cards. Then after writing down more information on the other note cards, she packed up everything into her backpack, putting the papers into a red folder and everything else into her pencil box. She then remained seated and looked over at the wall to take a glance at the clock.

     Hmm, it's 2:20 PM so seventh period has already started so I might as well hang out in here 'till classes change, Amber thought as she reached to get her phone but stopped when someone walked up to her. It was one of the boys from athletics who only looked familiar to her because they had biology together. He had always stood out among the other classmates and always seemed to be doing something in order to get attention. But aside from that, he was normally with a group of other boys wherever he went. Today, though, he seemed to be alone for once, which was quite unusual since even without them he was always surrounded by people.

    She looked up at him. His expression was blank and he was holding a journal in his hands along with some papers. "Oh, hey Amber. I didn't expect to see you here...aren't you supposed to be in reading by now?" He asked with a nervous expression. Amber nodded her head, surprised he knew her name and what class she was in. If anyone ever talked to her they usually just called her 'girl' and whatever color of shirt she was wearing. "Are you skipping again?" He asked and again she nodded.

    "Oh right, I noticed that you weren't in biology Friday so I copied down some notes for you, got your homework, and even did the worksheets in your place," he said then handed her everything in his hands.

     "Thanks, but why did you do all of this?" Amber asked with a puzzled expression as she took everything and put it in her backpack.

     "Oh. Well, I-"

    "Hey Nathan, what are you doing in here? The game's about to start! The coach was looking all over for you!" Someone yelled, running up to them.

    "I was giving Amber her biology homework and notes from Friday," Nathan replied turning to face him.

    "Who? You know what, never mind. We got to go, we only have two minutes to change," the boy said and without waiting for an answer he grabbed Nathan's arm and ran off with him.

    Weird ...anyway I should get to class, it's been thirty minutes, Amber thought getting up from her seat, taking her stuff, and then heading towards the exit where she saw the two athletic boys getting scolded by the librarian.

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