The Young Wolf's Return

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     It wasn't until the next day Amber had finally returned to her pack's camp with Nathan still on her back who was still unconscious and didn't seem to be waking up any time soon not without medical attention. Amber had dropped Nathan off at the medicine wolf's den and was going to stay to hear what his condition was that was until she was called over by her father. She knew what ever it was he wanted to talk about wouldn't be positive because of what she done so with her tail hung low she trotted over to her father who was sitting on the high rock above the alphas den. She sat down in front of him waiting for him to speak 

"Astral what you did was reckless you could have died or even gotten Ari or Argo...or even Nathan killed" Atlas ranted thinking of all the possibilities that could've happen.

"Dad I know but it would have taken forever to get a whole patrol through there plus Ari knows the woods better than anyone here plus we had little time Nathan and the lore could have been killed. Not to mention the fact that Artemis was going to mate with Nathan at any given time" Amber argued then after saying those words Atlas forgot what he was ranting over and his eyes filled with a mix of anger and shock. 

"Are you being serious!?.Okay I got to discuss this with the guards so they can strengthen our shield and security around our camp" Atlas said racing off Amber sighed and made her way back over to the medicine den. She took a slow deep breath before heading inside "is he ok" Amber asked with somewhat hopeful eyes 

"I'm afraid not...look I hate to say this but he's going to require human medical attention far more than what I can provide. Amber he needs to go to a hospital" the wolf replied with her tail hung low 

"no...he can't there...the humans they'd take him back to his birth home and...that would put everyone at risk" Amber said. 

"Yes but it's the only way but I have a plan...we can leave him a good far distance away from the hospital for someone else to pick him up and take him there then even if Nathan gets returned to his birth place he knows good and well to come back" the wolf said.

"But what if another wolf for say Artemis picks him up" Amber asked knowing that there are many ways this plan could go wrong. 

"Well even though Artemis is the way he is no wolf not even him would mate anyone this condition plus it's the only way it would seem suspicious if one of us brought him in there would be many questions" the wolf said.

"Fine but we must put this plan into move now before my dad sends out the guards" Amber said but in her mind all she could think of was the possibilities that something would go wrong. Yet despite that she helped place Nathan on the other wolf's back and they both headed off sneaking out of the pack trying to avoid any detection from other pack members. And that they were successful in but getting him to town undetected was another problem.

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