The search begins

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     Amber paced back and forth in her den with a frustrated look on her face "Astral you've been doing this for the past hour Atlas is getting worried" Ari said padding into the room his paws softly and quietly hitting the ground. "He wants you to rest" Ari continued seeing that Amber had no reaction to what he'd previously said.

"How can I rest when Nathan is still out there with Artemis who could mate with him any moment now that he's awake. Which is the exact reason why I didn't want to leave him alone on the street in the first place"Amber yelled.

     Ari's ears flattened and his tail hung low at her loud words "you know it would have raised suspension if we would have-". 

"I don't care if it would have raised suspension" Amber yelled causing Ari to whine and step back. She calmed down only after seeing him in that state "look I'm sorry I just...I'm worried ok Nathan is the only one in school who actually bothered to remember my name. He's been there for me and done things for me without any given reason...I mean first it all seemed strange to me, but I think I understand why now.

     He loves me and even though I don't have any experience in love nor do I know the meaning I think I may love him back. So, it scares me when he's with Artemis because I know he's scared, and I know that Artemis will hurt him...I just don't want to lose him" Amber said her face going red. 

"Amber're in love" Ari said relaxing his body relaxing with his ears pointing forward with his tail only lowered slightly in shock. "Atlas and... I mean you father and mother will be very happy about this for they didn't want to force you and the prophecy child to fall in love. Not only will you inherit the power from him, but the pack will have another heir when the two of you mate in the future and the pack can grow once again" Ari said his tale wagging. He was going to continue until he saw Amber walking out of the den "wait Astral where are you going your father doesn't want you leaving the pack grounds" Ari said racing towards her. 

"I'm going to find Nathan" Amber said as she began to walk way but was once again stopped by Ari 

"you can't it's too dangerous there are too many guards in the Ember Wolves territory" he said. 

"He's not at the camp" Amber said but Ari looked at her with a confused expression 

"I snuck out yesterday and made my way into the Ember Wolves camp and heard the guards talking. I tried to tell my father, but he won't listen, so I'll have to find him on my own and nothing you or anyone says will change my mind. So, with that said come with me if you want, I'll need the lore as well meet me just outside the woods" Amber said then ran off with her white arctic fur flowing in the wind behind her.

Ari sighed I guess I have no choice huh I'm in charge of her after all he thought dashing off in the other direction in full speed. It wasn't long before he reached the entrance of the lore's den where he crashed into Argo 

"ouch what the heck what's going on" Argo said yelping in pain as he pushed Ari off him.

" time to explain it's about Nathan now follow me quickly" Ari said and after hearing Nathan's name called Argo shot up and followed him running through the forest. "Amber we're here now what's this about Nathan what happen" Argo asked skidding to a stop 

"Artemis has him somewhere in town I believe. Now you have the nose out of the three of us and can easily track someone's sent even in human form so that's why I need you" Amber said as all three of them turned into human form. 

"Guys wait you almost...forgot about me" Coda said trying to catch his breath

"Coda you can't come with us it's too dangerous plus we're in a hurry" Ari said turning around to look at him.

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