Part 22

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Atlas walked back and forth along the borders of his den his once calm complexion turning into a snarl 

"Atlas hun it's late I'm sure she'll return soon" Breeze said trying to calm him down but her small reassuring voice only angered him more. 

"You don't understand she has never run off like this before" he snapped startling Breeze "It has something to do with that damn brother of mine I'm sure of it" Atlas continued still pacing back and forth. "But she's not within his pack territories the guards have already checked and-" 

"She would never dare set foot their and after all the losses we've had do you really think that brat is even their. Artemis, my brother he may be ridiculously stupid and by that I mean cocky but he's also smart in a way smart enough he wouldn't keep them within his pack's borders their probably somewhere in town by now and with the blue mist getting closer it's dangerous to leave those kids with him. Especially when neither of them are marked" Atlas said growling at the thought of Artemis getting near his daughter 

"you don't suppose he would..." Breeze began trailing off 

"yes... Artemis is sick, sick enough that he would mate with both but Amber is only a possibility. She left knowing this only to save Nathan now if we want to give our pack a future we'll have to get both kids back before tomorrow at the sun's latest hour this is why I must leave now" Atlas said stopping in his tracks. 

"I'm coming too" Breeze said stopping him before he could reach the exit of the den 

"absolutely there's no way I'm putting my mate in danger" Atlas said. 


"no I refuse to put you in danger" he repeated his words this time in a louder more orderly tone 

"she's my daughter to" Breeze yelled loudly almost startling Atlas 

"look you can go but stay beside me and don't get close to Artemis no matter what got it" Atlas said giving in.


Coda awoke stretching out his arms then went to accompany Ari who was waiting by the window until he felt something weird on the back of his neck he reached his hand back to figure out what it was only to discover a bite mark on the nape of his neck. 

"Ari" he said his face red 

"what is it" Ari asked turning to see what he wanted 

"the...the b-bite mark did...y-you" Coda stuttered almost frightened 

Ari smiled "I told you I love you" Ari said as Coda continued to trace the bite mark still unsure of reality. 

"But this means you can't mate with anyone I'm a rabbit I'm not worthy of a great wolf like you" Coda said looking up at him 

"rabbit or not you mean more to me than anyone no wolf or human I know could compare to you" Ari said. 

"But it's's against the...rules" Coda said knowing according to the creature code that creatures of the different species were not aloud to mix so wolves weren't aloud to mix with rabbits or any other creature other than canines. 

"Forget the rules your mine and I'm yours that's all that matters right now the pack isn't judgmental when it comes to these things so they will surely understand" Ari said kissing Coda's forehead 

"yes but if Artemis finds out about this he'll separate us" Coda said but Ari shook his head 

"I'd kill him before he could open the door".

"Killing me isn't as simple as it seems lover boy" Artemis said opening the door Ari snarled holding Coda close to him 

"it's ok I don't plan on touching him now I'll simply wait till dinner to feast" Artemis said provoking him. 

"You wouldn't dare" Ari said as Coda buried his face into his chest 

"true he's too scrawny I'd have to fatten him up first and that take to long but it's fun watching him suffer is scared helpless face sends chills down my spine every time I see it" Artemis said with a wicked smile. 

"Your sick" Ari said with a low menacing growl 

"no you are you're the one who mated with a rabbit" Artemis said pointing towards the unmistakable bite mark on Coda's neck 

"It's love something you don't understand" Ari yelled as Coda desperately clung to him helplessly shaking in fear. 

"Yes but I could care less about such a thing power is all I care for and within a couple of hours I'll have exactly what I want" Artemis said he paused for a second gazing down at Coda 

"but of course my mate is far better than that useless scrawny little rabbit of yours, but don't worry the scars that are on him now won't even compare to the ones that I'm going to give him later" Artemis said his last words crossing the line Ari had set. He lunged forward turning into wolf midair leaving Coda unguarded giving Artemis the perfect opportunity to turn wolf a race forward Coda cried helplessly as Artemis bit into his shoulder only to stop and claw his chest. Ari bounced of the law tackling Artemis 

"no one and I mean no one touches Coda except for me" Ari snarled staring down at him letting his drool drip upon Artemis's fur they both turned human with Ari still towering over him pinning him down.

This was only the beginning of a outcome no would have ever expected

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