Coda's Hero

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     Ari had soon finished up with his shopping and left with the food his friends had previously requested but instead of heading back to his friends he went to go check on Coda. However, he began to worry when he found that the scent trails of Coda had split in to two different directions and on the opposite trail he could smell Artemis's scent with this he did not hesitate he ran as fast as he could following the trail. He dropped the bag he'd brought with him along the way,  but it didn't matter Coda was more important and Ari was inclined to save him because of the fact that he felt like it had been his fault since he was the one who left Coda alone with someone outside of the pack. Which was a bad idea to begin with but Ari had no choice then, Coda was hurt and now he was in danger because of his mistake.
     Ari ran faster not bothering to pace himself as he dodged the people on he streets gracefully without stopping even for a second. Then when he finally reached the end of the trail  he saw Artemis standing before him with his evil smile 

"where is Coda" Ari yelled  trying to hide his worry behind his fearful growls. 

"Oh him but wouldn't you be more worried about Nathan and where's the others I thought you'd at least be sensible enough to bring them along" Artemis said. 

"Where is he" Ari repeated ignoring his words 

"upstairs but I won't let you have him until you bring the others so I can finish Astral off for good and take her pack out of the running" Artemis said. 

"I'm not going anywhere without Coda so you might as well kidnap me too" Ari yelled not bothering to give his words a second thought 

"do you know what you're saying" Artemis asked in an intimidating voice. Ari's face turned a light red and without even realizing it he let his guard down giving Artemis the time to slash him across his face with his wolf claws. 

"How can you be so stupid wanting to risk your life just to be with someone" Artemis yelled as Ari stumbled backwards hitting his head up against the wall of another building. 

"It's not stupid it's called love...something you know nothing about" Ari growled struggling to stand up 

"ah so that explains why you always want to protect him. I  mean most people would just leave him behind he's just a rabbit after all whether he's in human form or not...he's weak" Artemis said with an evil grin. 

"Look, Coda may not be as strong as a wolf but he's..." Ari began but before he could continue Artemis put his hand over Ari's mouth. 

"As much as i'd liked to hear you embarrass yourself I've got other things to do so stop wasting my time" Artemis said beginning to walk back inside but Ari stopped him. 

"I've already told you I'm not going anywhere I want to be with Coda" Ari yelled grabbing a hold of Artemis's wrist Artemis looked at him with an irritated expression.

"Do you really want to be one of my captives" Artemis asked giving him a rather scary expression

"...I uh...yes I want to be with Coda" Ari replied hesitating fore a moment Artemis let out a long sigh of annoyance before grabbing Ari by his arm. 

"Fine I guess the others will be lead here either way" he said dragging Ari up the stairs of the house his wolf claws digging deep into the skin of his new hostage.                                                                                                                               

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