The Ember Wolves

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     Hours had past and Artemis and the two wolves were able return to their pack safely and had put Nathan and Argo into a small hollow behind Artemis's den where they were kept guarded. Nathan had soon woken up due to something biting him and when he opened his eyes he'd discovered it was only Argo who was still asleep in his human form teething on his arm. Wait a minute...where are we this isn't Argo's den there are no leafs and it was a bit bigger than this one Nathan thought then froze seeing a wolf sweep passed the entrance  it was Artemis. He then quickly woke up Argo who had been cuddle up next to him "mmm what is it can't it wait till morning" murmured Argo snuggling up to him  "no we have to get out of here now" Nathan said in a panicked voice.

     Argo then sat up and began to scan the area in hopes to figure out what was going on but failed to notice anything wrong "what on earth are you talking about " Argo asked with tired eyes .

"Artemis is-" Nathan began but was interrupted by Artemis himself who had entered the den approaching them 

"ah so you two are finally awake" he said dropping two dead rabbits before them. "Well since you are up you may eat but I however can not for I have a meeting to attend to so save your questions for later" Artemis said and with that he trotted off. 

"See we need to get out of here we are no longer in the Glow Stone's pack territory" Nathan said but Argo shook is head 

"we can't leave there is no chance in us escaping we'll just have to wait for Astral and Ari" Argo said. 

     "Why we can out run them can't we if not we'll sneak through and-" 

"no it is not a matter of stealth or speed you know nothing of this pack you do not know what they withhold if we try to leave now it will result in death and if not that torture" Argo said yelled interrupting him. 

"You'd rather get Astral hurt she's no different from me" Nathan argued knowing he would never allow anyone to hurt Amber.

 "Astral is stronger than you think there's a reason to why she is chosen to be the leader of the pack aside from her being the alpha's pup. Plus, if you were to be killed Astral wouldn't have a..." Argo began but stopped himself 

"she wouldn't have a what" Nathan asked but Argo didn't answer knowing he had already said to much. "Whatever I'm leaving you can choose whether to follow or not" Nathan said heading to the exit 

"no you can't you don't understand..." Argo began but Nathan had already left the den.

     Argo sighed and began to head to the exit but couldn't for a unseen force was keeping him from doing so "stupid force fields" Argo grumbled as Nathan walked off. 

Perfect there's no wolf in sight so this should be quite simple  but how do I get out of here Nathan thought looking around the pack's camp which quite large compared to the Glow Stone's pack camp. 

"Hey you what are you doing out you're suppose to be in Artemis's den" A wolf said pouncing on him and pinning him down 

"yeah good thing Artemis send us down here to check on you. We wouldn't want our guest to run off on us now would we" another wolf said approaching them 

"get off of me" Nathan demanded trying to knock the wolf of him but the wolf was too strong making his efforts worthless.

     "Heh like I'm going to listen to you your not in charge here Artemis is plus you're only a pup" the wolf growled he's right I'm a kid I'm not as strong as a wolf I'm only human Nathan thought. 

"good he's finally tame but what should we do with him" the wolf asked. 

"Well Artemis did say that we should punish him if he escapes the den so a few scars should do" the wolf said standing at Nathan side 

"true how about one along is side then maybe  a few on his chest. A bite mark on his neck will do fine as well, a scar on his face, and finally sense it's cold we'll tear off his shirt and shred it" the wolf said then looked over to the other wolf to get his opinion 

"yes that's perfect" he said. Then after agreeing on the punishment they proceeded to do as they had said then one of the wolves had forced Argo into the prisoners den and then the both dragged Nathan back into the alpha's den and set a new force field to prevent him from getting out again.

     I should have listened to Argo and stayed with him Nathan thought as he traced the bite mark on his neck with his finger as the blood trickled down his neck onto his shoulder he sighed there wasn't anything to do or anyone to talk to. I wish Amber was here I'm beginning to miss her Nathan thought as he laid down on the dirt floor looking up at the ceiling as he continued to think about Amber. He was lost deep in his thoughts and didn't even notice Artemis come in until he felt his fur brush up against as he laid down next to him. 

"Get away from me" Nathan yelled running over to the far side of the den leaning up against the wall 

"now, now let's not get too rowdy you wouldn't want to hurt yourself now would you" Artemis asked turning into his human form then approaching him slowly.

     Nathan looked down to his side avoiding Artemis's gaze as he put his arm on the wall just a few inches above his head then resting his head on his arm he looked down at Nathan with the same hungry lustful look in his eyes that he had had when they first met. "You know Amber won't be able to come get you since no one in her pack would dare to come here unless they had a death wish" Artemis said lifting his chin forcing Nathan to look at him. Nathan stayed quiet refusing to speak to him "really now the silence treatment come on you can at least say something like my name for one that'd be nice I mean you say Amber so sweetly" Artemis said teasing him as he caressed his cheek lightly. Nathan glared at him "oh so all I have to do is tease you using her name to get a you like her don't you well your going to have to forget bout her for you have to be my mate so I can full power and make all the packs and humans bow before me" Artemis said.

     "Never I'll never be your mate" Nathan said "I could never love someone like you" Nathan continued locked in his gaze 

"don't worry you'll soon love to learn me and when you do I'll make you mine" Artemis said. 

"That won't happen" Nathan yelled knowing Amber was the only one he loved 

"if that is true then I'll do my best to catch you when your most vulnerable and make my move" Artemis said as he moved away heading towards the exit. "Now enjoy the cold night I'll be gone the whole night for there are matters I must attend to and by matters I mean work human work so have a good sleep" Artemis said leaving the room with a smirk. I have to get out of here now I shall leave tonight after I retrieve Argo Nathan thought but what he was planning to do might put him and his friend's life at risk.

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