A New Friend or Foe?

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    Nathan awoke with blurred vision and a throbbing headache he could only make out figures of people two to be exact and the voices were rather difficult to make out. His head lifted only a bit before falling again hitting the pillow he laid their unable to see or hear clearly for a minute or two as the voices continue to fill the room. 

"Astral...are...is that you" Nathan asked his words soft full of fright someone answered but he blacked out before he was able to hear the muffled voice. Nathan awoke once more a few hours later his head ache had vanished and his vision was restored he laid on a bed his surroundings unfamiliar. He starred at the wall and flinch feeling another human presence on the bed next to him tears began to fill his eyes he could feel a hand glide across his side barely touching the cloth of his shirt.

The fragile ever so gently touch sent shivers down his spine Nathan began to shiver as the room grew cold while the hand continued its motion Nathan didn't dare to speak or make an effort to move for he feared the human behind the hand. He let out a few unintentional words he didn't mean to say them not at the slightest for the words he said were that of his thought. "Astral" his voice was shaking the hand stopped but Nathan remained still he could hear a low menacing growl this was a growl he found familiar for it had been one he'd never forget it was Artemis. 

Nathan curled up into a ball in instinct to protect himself 

"why must it always be Astral you call upon in fear why can't it be me the one who can protect you and save you in whatever danger while Astral can't even manage to do that. Oh well soon I'll be the only name your calling when in fear for the reason that you are now mine" Artemis said petting Nathan's head 

"I'll...never belong...to you" Nathan said flinching at Artemis's touch. 

"Oh but you will all I have to do is keep you away from that Glow Stone Pack that pitiful bunch of good for nothing wolves that is said to soon to be led by Astral. Guarding you will be easier this time for I'm not planning on keeping you in the pack camp but in a gang's safe house south from the one where you now lay. She won't be able to find you this time for I've strengthened the guarding around my packs territory so she will think your there and harm herself and her pack members while trying to get through my walls of wolves.

    She'll make her pack weak destroying them with her own two paws she will never know that your being kept in the town" Artemis said with an evil grin thinking over his plans. 

"Amber would never fall for it she's smarter than you think she'll come save me like she did before" Nathan said slapping Artemis's hand sitting up in the corner hugging his knees regretting that action he'd took out of anger. Artemis growled once more looking at his hand which was now a light red his evil smirk returned it was going to be quite simple to get under his skin and make Nathan obey his every word. 

"For that I'll have to punish you even if it didn't harm me physically or emotionally" Artemis said he then turned only his hand to his wolf side he made it into a paw his claws nice and sharp he tore Nathan's shirt into small pieces and turned his hand back and pinned him down.

    It was freezing in the room Nathan could feel every bit of the cold draft entering the room be the broken windows he shivered. Tears formed into his eyes as he struggled to escape Artemis's grasp "let me go...please let me go home" Nathan cried it had been what he wanted to do since the beginning return home. Back to his family to his old life but he couldn't he never could because he was trapped within the words of the prophesy the story passed through many generations of wolves that he had been born into. 

"You can't this is your home now and it will always be your home you are my mate whether you like it or not this is a destiny you can never escape you will be the beta of the Ember wolves in the mere future" Artemis said.

"No...I don't like you I love Amber and for that reason I'll never be yours" Nathan said still struggling to get away 

"yes just like a female so disobedient yet fragile" Artemis said inhaling Nathan's scent. Nathan's body relaxed he gave up on trying to get away realizing that it was pointless considering Artemis's strength the only thing he could do was lay there his body shivering in the cold taking in Artemis's words and at times fighting back with his own. 

"See now we're finally getting somewhere you now know it's pointless to fight back when it comes to me even if its just for today" he said as Nathan stayed quiet taking in Artemis words. "Well I have to return to my pack but don't worry you won't be alone I have someone to watch you he's a new member to this pack and owns this safe house" Artemis getting up off of the bed leaving the room closing the door and locking it.

    Nathan sat up in the bed and watched as the door opened as the leader of the gang entered Zach looked over at him as he locked the door from the inside. 

"Let's make this introduction short the name's Zach I run this place when Artemis is away so you listen to me you'll eat what I give you whether you like it or not and since it's nearing lunch you can have this" Zach said tossing him an apple. Nathan caught the apple and held it in his hands but didn't eat it "you best eat it chances are I'm not going to be able to bring you anything else to eat until the nights at it's darkest" Zach said.

"I don't like the peeling I always choke on it" Nathan said . Zach rolled his eyes and snatched the apple away from him then took the pocketknife out of his back pocket then peeled the apple then threw back at him after throwing the peeling out the window.

"There now eat" he said leaning up against the wall after Nathan finished eating, Zach started up another conversation "so Artemis said that you're his mate do you really like the guy" Zach asked. 

"No and I'm not his mate and never will be Amber is my true love even if she may not love me as well" Nathan said as he laid back down on the bed 

"well at least your mood change you seem a lot more calmer compared to what Artemis told me why is that" Zach asked. 

"Around him I feel scared and powerless but when around people like you and Amber I feel calm again being at peace with all my emotions" Nathan replied as Zach came over and laid down next to him. 

"Well if that's the case what are your thoughts about me so far" Zach asked surprising Nathan with his question "um well you seem look but you actually come off as a nice person, your cool, and when your around there is a sense of a relaxing atmosphere. Then well...your strong and mature" Nathan replied after this Zach continued with a more awkward question in mind 

"why do wolves pacifically Astral and Artemis want to mate with you? I mean he did mention some type of prophesy but didn't quite explain it" Zach asked moving closer to him 

"well to be honest I don't really know quite well my self. However Artemis did say that whoever mated with me whether it be wolf or human will become far more powerful than anyone living on human world but it would have to be when I reach a certain age and depends on whoever's first" Nathan replied. 

"So did he say what the age you have to be is" Zach asked but Nathan only shook head "well perhaps it's sometime soon otherwise they wouldn't be fighting over you at the moment" Zach said.

"But how could they know that neither of them know my birthday not even Amber" Nathan asked but Zach shrugged he decided it was best to stop asking questions for a while since he had other things to do. He left the room locking the door behind leaving Nathan in the room alone with only the cold air to accompany him.                 

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