the start of a new beginning

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"Amber" Sora said softly standing in front of Amber who was on the ground of the alley way back against the wall hugging her knees crying. Upon hearing her voice Amber looked up with tears in her eyes upon seeing this Sora bent down and quickly wiped the tears from her face "hush now cry you shall not for you have won" she spoke softly. Amber got up quickly and hugged her tightly "whats wrong my queen" Sora asked a rather worried expression on her face as Amber cried into her shoulder.

"Artemis has won Nathan, Ari, and Argo they're all gone" Amber cried

"No my dear it is you who has won" Sora spoke softly and calmly as she let the lightest of blue leafs swirl around Amber

"That means...your"

" yes i am Sora the newfound goddess of both peace and magic now my dear please speak of your wish" Sora said softly and with that Amber's tears dried. Then with a quick breath in and a slow one out follow by the lightest blink of her eyes she spoke.

"End the Wolvers and their work, take my allies home, and set my allies at ease" Amber said softly 

"As you wish" Sora said softly as leafs  both of light gray and blue swirled around her slowly drifting away. "Now forgive me my queen but i must leave the stars are calling but before i leave i must warn you a new race is arising a race of unknown origins one much like your but slyer and crueler a two facer. My child you mustnt trust them no matter how nice they may seem cause they my dear they shall trick you, but rest at sure for you they are not after but one of your friends they shall chase" Sora spoke wisely her words followed by a serious expression. 

"Wait tell me more of these creature" Amber spoke in worry

"I can't my dear it is forbidden i've said too much as it is" Sora said as leafs began to appear once again

"when will i see you again" Amber yelled in distress making the leafs fall 

"soon my dear soon" Sora said and withh that she vanished and Amber faded  

A Wolf's Formidable JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now