The Ambush [EDITED]

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When morning arrived, Nathan was the first to awake. He stood up from where he had slept and looked around. The camp of wolves was lively and seemed to be fully awake. Nathan turned back to look at Ari. He saw Amber still asleep in her wolf form. 

     "She's pretty, huh?" Said a wolf, walking up behind him. Nathan nodded in agreement. "It's only what you can expect from the beta and alpha," the wolf said with a smile. Then his name was called and he quickly padded off. 

     Oh, wait a minute. We have school today! Nathan thought. He then bent down next to Amber. "We have school today," he reminded her, patting her head gently in an attempt to wake her up.

     "Alright, then. Let's go. Oh, and make sure you stay within my sight the whole day. And you return with me to my pack after school," Amber said, standing up in her human form. 

     "Wait, why? I have to go home," Nathan said as they headed off. 

     "It's for your own safety. For now and here on out this will be your new home," Amber replied. 

     "What do you mean 'for my own safety'?" Nathan asked, blocking her way. 

     "Look, after Artemis attacked you he gave off this strange scent of dominance. Which means ...well, I don't know exactly what it means, but he definitely has something in mind for you. So in order to keep you safe from whatever he's planning, I'm going to be watching over you," Amber replied. 

     She then stepped to the side and continued to walk forward. Nathan followed, figuring he didn't have much of a choice since he didn't know when another wolf would show up and randomly attack him. 

     Nathan glared at the ground to his side, a tense silence falling between them. "You don't have the right to do such things," he snapped with an irritable expression on his face. 

     Amber sighed. "Look, do as you please. You can go home to your family and die or stay with me and my pack and live. Of course, that would mean you couldn't go to school. You'd have to be home schooled by Ari. I hope you'll be sensible and see that coming with me is the better choice. After all, a runaway child is less mournful than a dead one," Amber said. 

     Her last words made Nathan rethink his choice. 'A runaway child is less mournful than a dead one'  ...Well, while that may be true my team needs me ...But I need to think about my family as well, so I guess staying here is the better choice, Nathan thought.

     "Alright, fine, but if that's the case we might as well not go to school today," Nathan said, stopping in his place. 

     Amber nodded. "Good. I'm glad you understand things now. And you're right -it would cause suspicion if we went to school today and  then suddenly disappeared. Unfortunately, I must go so I'll call my mom to take you back so Ari can watch you," Amber said then paused for a moment to call her mom using her mind. Nathan watched her curiously.

     "Okay, so my mom can't come right now, but she's sending Ari to get you. I'll stay with you until he arrives," Amber said, standing beside him. 

     "So how old is Ari exactly?" Nathan asked. 

     Amber paused for a moment to calculate the years in her head. "Hmm, he ...Ari? Oh, he's eighteen years old. He's very sweet, but you wouldn't want him on your bad side," Amber replied.

    Before Nathan could say anything a voice interrupted them. "Hey guys, so I'm supposed to take Nathan with me, right?" Ari asked, walking up to them in human form. 

    "Yes, and please show him around and show him how things work. He's also going to need a teacher so I'm appointing you to that job. Oh," she snapped her fingers, "And before I forget, you'll be his caretaker when I am not present," Amber said, then turned and walked towards town, leaving Ari and Nathan alone.     

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