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Remus wandered the corridors on his nightly patrols. His fellow Prefect, Lily Evans, was down the next corridor. A crescent moon flew high in the cloudless sky that night, relieving Remus of his "furry problem". The moonlight cast shadows along the walls, tricking Remus into believing something was there on numerous occasions. By the fourth time he'd been bamboozled by the the moon, he stopped checking and strolled down the corridor to meet Lily. 

There was a quiet bang from behind one of the doors causing Remus to stop in his tracks. Waiting a minute, he didn't hear anything and continued. Until what sounded like a broom falling rung through the air. Slowly, Remus walked towards the door which the noises came from, and pulled out his wand. 

He swung the door open and jumped back when he saw Sirius and a seventh year girl tangled between brooms and empty cauldrons. They both stopped at their abrupt interruption and stared at Remus. 

"Er - Sirius?" He squinted his eyes to check if he'd seen the infamous black hair correctly.

"Hey Remus," Sirius said as if it'd been a sunny Friday afternoon. 

"So are you going to kick us out?" the girl asked.  

Remus furrowed his eyebrows - glancing down the corridor to where he and Lily were supposed to meet. His eyes dropped down to her toplessness and he blushed profusely - he'd never seen a half-naked girl before. He was at a loss for words.

"Care to join?" Sirius asked. "Or are you just going to stand there?"

"Right, bye." He slammed the door shut, still in shock of what he'd just seen. In a fast paced walk, he left the scene before anything else happened and turned the corner spotting Lily. She stood by the knights, staring at the plaques along the walls. "Hey, find anything?" she asked upon seeing him.

Remus shook his head, "Nope." 


"I'm done," Sirius said, pulling away from the older girl.

"What?" the girl said, hopping off the shelf. 

"Yeah, I'm just not into it anymore. Nothing against you love."

She rolled her eyes, grabbing her strewn clothes. Opening the door, she stared at Sirius in the moonlight and huffed, "Last time I hookup with an underclassmen, no matter how hot they are..." 

Sirius smirked at the compliment, and hurried back to the Gryffindor Tower before Remus and Lily did. He stood outside the Fat Lady when someone cleared their throat from behind. "Bugger..." he muttered. Turning around with a charming smile, Sirius waved at Lily and Remus. "What're you two bugs doing out of bed?"

"Black," Lily said. "What're you doing?"

"Sleepwalking." He held his arms out like a zombie and shut his eyes. 

"Nice try."

"Can't hear you. Sleepwalking."

Lily walked through the portrait, heading straight up to her dorm before Sirius could utter another stupid thing. Sirius opened his eyes, chuckling when he saw the last of her red hair turn the corner. 

"Have fun?" Remus asked. 

"Eh, she was alright," Sirius shrugged, "Reckon you would've been more fun than her. All she did was sit there." He laughed, jogging up the staircase. "I'm exhausted. Night, mate." He fell straight onto his bed without even taking off his shoes. It baffled Remus how quickly Sirius could fall asleep. 

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