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"I'm going to be honest, mate," Sirius said putting a friendly hand on James's shoulder, "You're completely and utterly whipped."

"No I'm not!" James defended. 

"I'll prove it. Just you wait."


Remus walked down the corridor to Potions minding his perfectly wonderful business. When all of the sudden Sirius jumped out from the intersecting corridor, slinging an arm over his shoulder. "Hello Lupin," he said with a sly grin. "You look dashing today."

Remus looked around to make sure he wasn't the only one witnessing this and arched an eyebrow, "Sirius, what're you doing?"

"I'm just accompanying the most handsome boy in the world to class. Did you do something to your hair? Did you grow an inch?"

"Did Peter confund you?"

"No, Remybug. What'ddya say about a date at the Three Broomsticks with the best quidditch playing transfiguration extrodinaire in Hogwarts?"


"I'll take that as a yes!"

"Why are you acting like...James?" Sirius shot a look at James and Peter who strolled behind them. Remus turned around, stopping in his tracks. "What is going on?"

"Tell Prongs he's whipped for Evans," Sirius said.

"I am not! And I don't act like that!" James exclaimed, looking at the others for confirmation. Peter bashfully bit his lip while Remus stared up at the ceiling. "Oh shove off! I've never told lily she was the most handsome boy in the world!"

Sirius shrugged with a smug smirk, "Yeah, that was my touch."

"I'm flattered," Remus said spinning on his heels, "But I'd be more flattered if I didn't get detention because of your shenanigans."

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