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"I could totally get a higher mark than Remus on the exam!" Sirius grumbled. 

"No bloody way," Peter retorted. "Remus is like...Dumbledore! Compared to him, you're like...Filch."

Sirius let his jaw drop. "I would never sink as low as to owning a cat!"

"He's not saying you're stupid," Remus cut in calmly, "If you really tried to get good marks, you could easily be top of the class. If you stopped focusing on racking up your body count and your good looks, you might actually find class interesting."

Sirius smirked, "So you're saying I'm good looking?"

Remus sighed, rubbing his temples, "Is that all you got out of that?" 

"You sly wolf. I knew you secretly thought I was the handsomest Marauder. Don't worry, I think it's you, so we're even."

"Personally I think it's Peter," James butted in, strolling over to the group lounging by the lake. "He's got that baby face girls love to pinch."

"I think it's Sirius," Peter commented. "It's the hair..."

James furrowed his eyebrows, scanning the group over. "Wait." He took his hands out of his pockets and ran them through his hair, "So nobody thinks I'm the best looking Marauder?" They shared a look of agreement. "This is blasphemy! Oi EVANS!" he shouted, drawing the attention of the redhead across the grounds. He waved her over and blatantly asked, "Who's the best looking out of all of us?" 

Lily rolled her eyes. "What kind of -"

"Just answer the question."

"Fine. Remus. He's got nice eyes." 

"That's what I said!" Sirius exclaimed.

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