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Sirius stood in the Transfiguration classroom long after class had ended trying to turn a lamp into a giraffe. But no such luck. "Bugger!" he exclaimed after the lamp had turned into a polkadot tree.

Remus pushed open the door, stunned to see Sirius in a classroom. 

"Padfoot?" Remus called. "What're you doing?"

Sirius jumped, spinning around on one foot. "Oh hi Remus!" he said waving a hand. "Just practicing some magic."

"At eight-thirty?" Remus arched a suspicious eyebrow but Sirius just nodded. "What spell are you trying to do?"

"Oh," Sirius shrugged, "Just something funny for the Slytherins. What are you doing here?"

Remus walked past Sirius, placing a scroll on McGonagall's desk. "Just handing in an extra credit essay for Professor McGonagall."

"Of course you are."

"Are you coming back to the dorm anytime soon?"

"Just after I finish this spell..."

"Need help?"

Sirius smirked. "I don't think you'd approve of this one, Moony. But here." A flash behind his back appeared, and suddenly he handed Remus a bouquet of radishes. "Oldest magic trick in history." 

"Wasn't that trick with flowers?" 

"I know you like vegetables. You're always eating them at dinner. And you can eat these instead of flowers." 

"Thanks Sirius." Remus took the radishes with a chuckle. "I'll, uh, put these in water when I get back."

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