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"REMUS I'm Prongs!" Sirius shouted, parading around the room drunkenly holding two wands against his head. "Look at my antlers!"

Remus laughed harder than he should have at Sirius' ridiculousness, downing the last of his Firewhisky. 

Sirius tossed the wands on the nearest bed, collapsing next to Remus. "Where isss Jamesy?" Before Remus could reply, Sirius answered his own question. "Probably snogging Evans, I reckon." Remus snorted. He might've been drunk, but he wasn't delusional. "I have a theory." Remus raised his eyebrows, turning to face Sirius. They were much closer than he expected, and their noses were barely inches away from each other. "I think Lily loves Prongs. But she can't date him because the Giant Squid is blackmailing her."

Remus leaned his head against the wall, staring up at the lights. "That's fucking brilliant Pads."

"I'm a genius. I wonder if this is how Dumbledore feels when he tells us something without actually telling us. He's a damn genius..." Sirius twisted the cap off his next bottle, chugging it down with a satisfied groan. "Have you ever kissed anybody Moony?"

Remus opened his droopy eyes, shaking his head. "Once, but it wasn't real. A peck at best." 

"A smush of the lips." Sirius pursed his lips, smacking them to the side of the bottle. 

"Exactly. But that doesn't count."

"Of course not! You, my tall, skinny, blonde haired wolf, need to be kissed by an expert."

"Like Allison Greggor?"

Sirius scoffed, "That amateur? She's spends more time humping the side of her bed than a real guy. You need a real kiss."

"Like who?"

Remus turned his head, seeing Sirius' lips coming crashing onto his. A wave of emotion rushed over him, and he was paralyzed to the spot. Sirius' lips were soft, moving rhythmically against his own in a way he'd never experienced before. The moment was short-lived, because in seconds Sirius pulled away with a lopsided grin. 

"That was a real kiss," he murmured. 

"A real kiss..." Remus echoed. 

Within minutes both boys were passed out on the floor, sleeping the best sleep they ever had. 

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