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After James and Sirius pulled the prank of the century in their first year, April 20th was declared Hogwarts' Day of Pranks. The only issue on this holy day was that his usual partner in crime was stuck in McGonagall's office for a majority of the day after a chocolate pudding incident.

Sirius paced the floor of his dorm that Saturday morning. Remus or Peter, he debated. There were pros and cons to each. Peter was much more willing to actually pull said pranks, while Remus would lecture on about how immoral it was. However, Remus was taller and stealthier than Peter and could get away faster if they were to be caught. 

The door opened and Peter walked in with a muffin and a magazine. "Morning," he said, settling down on his bed. 

"What're you doing today?" Sirius asked. 

"Thought I'd relax and read about the quidditch games, maybe take a nap later. You?"

"Want to help me?" he asked gesturing to the mass of random items on the desk. 

Peter glanced over and shook his head. "Nah," he said flipping another page in his magazine. 

Sirius sighed dramatically and swung the door open. "MOONY!" he shouted. He tapped his foot impatiently while leaning against the doorframe until the lanky boy rounded up the staircase. 

"I thought humans were supposed to call their dogs, not the other way around," Remus teased. 

"I'm nobody's bitch."

Remus rolled his eyes, sauntering into the room. He knocked over a can of spray paint "accidentally" and turned around. "Sirius, would you pick that up?" Sirius obliged, setting the can back on the desk, running a hand through his hair to push it out of his face. "It's such a nice day. Would you open the curtains?" Sirius walked across the room, tearing open the maroon drapes causing light to flood the room. Remus stumbled over his feet, sitting down on the trunk closest to Sirius. "Ugh, bloody shoelace. Could you tie it for me?" he asked, extending his foot. 

Sirius shrugged, bending down to tie Remus' tennis shoe. Remus chuckled. "And I thought you were nobody's bitch," he said with a smirk. 

Sirius scowled, aggressively tying off the laces in a pretty bow. "Ha ha," he dryly muttered. "Don't go spreading this around now, I don't want people thinking I'm a decent person."

"It's okay to be the submissive one, Padfoot." Remus patted his shoulder affectionally. 

"We both know I'm the dominant one in this duo."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

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