Chapter 18- Funeral

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Wade pov:

Today was the worst day of my life. I was dressed in a suit with my mask on. I was about to burry and empty coffin and go to my son's funeral. Well sure it's his 'fake' funeral but I still feel like I am losing him.

"Wade are you ready to go?" asked my spidy who was also in a suit with is mask on.

Yeah spidy and I are on first name basis now. I know his name is Peter Parker and he knows my name is Wade Wilson. The only people who knew Stiles was still alive was, Kitty, Logan. Colossus, Matt, Foggy, Peter and myself. We were going to his funeral as well as Steve Rogers, Nick Fury and Clint Barton who only just found out that this was the kid he gave a lift to Kenima that fateful day.

"To be honest with you Pet, no."

"I know this is going to be hard on you Wade but Stiles is doing this for a good reason." Said my sexy boyfriend

"I know, I am just very clingy and don't want to let go of my only son." I said as Peter rubbed his hand on my lap in a soothing manner. Peter drove us to the cemetery. It wasn't very formal it was basically we all told stories about stiles.

-Logan's story-

"I first meet Mischief when he was nine, he was tiny and let's just say if looks could kill, and I would have been six feet under when we 1st meet. Wade, Colossus and I were going to Russia for the week and Mischief wanted to come with us but Colossus said 'No'. Then of course, Wade made a bet with Colossus said 'If my son can knock out Logan, here then he can come with us.' Colossus didn't believe Mischief could do it so he said 'Wade if he could knock out Logan, I would give you $100.' Wade and Mischief had a conversation in Russia and the next thing I know I can only see darkness. When I came to, asked what happened Colossus put on his grumpy cat face, and said, 'I lost $100 dollars.'" Logan said as he took a long breath out before he continued to say

"Mischief was my best friend even if we never said those words to each other, he would tease the shit out "of me and I would declare a prank war and we would go weeks on end until Colossus but us in a huge shirt that said 'our getting along shirt.' From that day on, we agreed to team up and burn the shirt and prank Colossus whenever we could, I am going to miss you Mis."

-Colossus's story-

"Mischief was a shit of a kid."

"Language colossus." I yelled causing him to groan

"He was always looking for trouble and I have been victim to his very colour swear word volubility, Mischief had earnt his name more than anyone would give him credit for. He once set a cough on fire and I still don't know to this day how it happened when we were all watching him."

"I am going to miss that little shit of a kid." Said Colossus

-Kitty's story-

"I haven't known Mischief long, I will admit that." Said Kitty taking a shaky breath

"Most of you know him as Stiles or Mischief but to me his name was Gemini. He had saved my life more times than I can count back in Budapest. We were on the run from people trying to catch me and kill him, he took a bullet for me, he saved me from falling onto the cement pavement when a building was collapsing and he saved me from my ex-boyfriend. Gemini, Mischief, stiles whatever you want to call him he was my friend and he was my hero."

-Matt's Story-

"I don't know where to start, Stiles and I had a very good relationship, I was his Uncle. We first meet by chance when he was on the run from the cops, he was in an alley bleeding out. I was mad at the cops for a long time in fact, I still am made at the cops. They had started a man hunt for this little boy who was scared enough to run away from home with nothing but a blue duffle bag and about 700 dollars in cash. But today isn't about my bitterness, today is to remember someone who was kind and caring and would try to do what was best for you and not himself. The memory that I properly hold close to my heart was the time Stiles, Foggy and myself spent the day at the Captain America exhibited. We would talk about the howling commandos battle tactics while Foggy was fan girling over everything." Matt said letting out a humourless laugh

"He told me that he had two favourite people howling commandos, he said 'Steve Rogers and James Barnes.' I asked him 'if he meet Captain America.' he simply laughed and answered 'No I don't mean Captain America, I meant the little kid from Brooklyn who was too stubborn for his own good.'"

Matt looked into the crowd of people to see none other than Steve Rogers let a single tear roll down his face. Matt's story had brought the strong super solider to tears.

-Foggy's Story-

"Stiles was a kid who was way too stubborn for his own good, snarky and a flirt to almost everyone." Foggy let out a soft chuckle

"I still remember the times he flirted Paige, it annoyed the shit out of everyone but somehow made all our worries melt away. Stiles was different from most children he was fearless, hell he even started a conversation with the winter solider about the America bear band." Foggy said as he saw the shock written on Fury's and Barton's face and the confusion plaguing his hero's face.

"When Stiles first came to our apartment he fell asleep with an America Bear he called, Mr Cuddles. I have to admit I tried stealing it once but he caught me in the acted and scared the shit out of me. When he left our apartment Matt and I got him a present, It was a Bucky Bear which he had called K.O.C. And before anyone you start laughing at that It actually stood for something. King of cuteness. Then as soon as he turned eighteen we teased the shit out of him but then of course him and matt would team up and find a way to fill my oreos with toothpaste without me noticing. I am going to miss him."

-wade/my story-

I was the last one to tell a story about my son. I was a weird emotion I felt. I knew he wasn't dead but... I really don't know how to describe it to be honest. I took a shaky breath before I said.

"So far today you have called my son, a shit of a kid, a hero, fearless and had a death glare that could make the mighty of us fear but to me he was my son. He came into my life so suddenly. A nine year old kid hiding in my apartment from the cops and his past but I never expected him to leave so suddenly as well."

"He was the one that patched me up when I had a bullet wound and I in return would tell him bed time stories. Heh, I don't think anyone had heard about what happened on Stiles birthday a few years ago, I blow up a wall in the kitchen, he ended up somehow fixing the wall but then as punishment, he locked me and logan in one of the closets at the School Logan teachs at."

"I am going to miss him he was my son and I know that his hole in my heart and the emptiness will never be replaced but he would want us to move on, so good bye my son." He said with a very shaky emotionally thick voice.

The funeral was over and we were at Matt and Foggy's apartment having the reception. Suddenly fury came up to me and he looked a little pissed.

"Why didn't you tell me you son had talked to the winter solider?"

"You didn't ask." I counted

"The winter solider is lituary a ghost and shelid has been haunting for years with no result and your telling me that you son got to talk to him when he was nine."

"Yep, believe it or not Nick, the kid was something else." I said before walking away from a grumpy patchy

'I hope you know what your doing son.' I thought to myself 

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