Chapter 1- The wedding

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It's been about 2 months since Hydra turned me into the monster that I am today. A boy with yellow glow sticks for eyes and fangs sharp enough to rip through flesh and bone. I have been hunting Hydra ever since that was until today. 

I was in my bedroom dressed in a red tux struggling to tie my bow tie, you would think with the number of times I had to wear one that I would have figured out how to tie one but sadly I still have no flipping clue how to tie one. I sighed in defeat and flopped onto my bed until I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said

The door opened to reveal my father in a black tux with a red rose in the pocket. 

"Figured you could use some help."

"Yes please," I mumbled and my father did my bow tie for me 

"How do I look?" My father asked me

"Wade you look sexy now let's go I don't want you to leave your future husband waiting." I said as we got into a taxi

"Where to?" asked the taxi driver 

"Stark Tower." My father said

You may be wondering why we were going to Stark tower well turns out Peter did a favour for Tony Stark and in return turn, Tony paid for Peter and wade's wedding... If you ask me I believe Tony views Peter like a son because of his intelligence and ... maybe his spidy powers... I really don't know in all honesty. We arrived at Stark tower.

"That will be sixteen dollars and 99 cents." The driver said as I shoot him my famous death glare

"Forget what I said... It's on the house." The Taxi driver said as we got out of the car and he speeds off

"What got into him?" asked my father

I simply shrugged.

We walked into the tower and got to the penthouse level where the wedding was taking place. Honesty will I was at the wedding I put washout blond dye in my hair and blue contracts in just in case Tony or anyone realised I was Mischief Wilson or Stiles. My undercover name was Uriel Wilson distant stepbrother of Wade Wilson.

"We are about to start." said Pepper Potts, Tony's girlfriend

"Great... Uriel go partner up with Natasha." Said Wade as I nodded 

I go to Natasha.

"Hey I am Natasha," she told me 

"Yes, I remember you for practice night." 

The music soon starts and Natasha and I walk in followed by Foggy and Matt then finally Peter's Aunt May and Steve Rogers. Then Wade waits at the altar for Tony to walk in with Peter. The wedding was amazing we were coming to the end of it.

"Peter Parker, do you take Wade Wilson as your husband?" 

"I do." answered Peter

"Wade Wilson, do you take Peter as your husband?" 

"I do." Answered Wade with a smile across his face

"I now pronounce you both Husband and Husband you may now kiss your husband,"

Suddenly Wade tacks Peter into a kiss. I really wanted to tell Wade how gross that was but decided against it. What it was their special day today.

"Okay lets get this party started." Tony said 

This is the part of the big day I was dreading mingling with other people. 

"Do I know you from somewhere?" asked Steve 

"I don't believe so, I am Uriel Wilson." I said

"Steve Rogers." Steve said as we shook hands 

"Where you Mischief's Uncle?" asked Steve

This was really awkward talking about myself.

"I was... I couldn't make the funeral through because of me living in Iceland." I lied

"I am sorry for your loss he was a good kid." Steve said 

"He really was, one thing I will miss about him was how he was always a really big history buff, you could tell him a date and he could tell you every important document event that happened on that date."

"Are you planning on living in America?" asked Steve changing the subject 

"Yes, I am actually living in America at the moment in DC." I told him

"Hey Steve come dance with me." said Aunt May saving me 

'Thank you.' I mouthed to her

I was alone for a little while but that didn't last long before a drunken Tony came up to me.

"Hey don't I now you from somewhere?"

"I don't know, do you?" I asked him

"Isn't your name Damon Taylor?" asked Tony

"But you have the same face as Damon Taylor," Tony said in a slur

"Sorry but no I am not Damon Talyor," I told him

  "Sorry no, I am Uriel Wilson."  

"Uriel like one of God's angels?" asked Tony

"Something like that." I  told him

"I think it's time for you to slow down, Tony." Pepper said resuing me from drunk Tony

As Pepper and Tony left Thor come up to me.... like the God of Thunder.

"What is your name friend?" asked Thor in his very loud voice

"My name is Uriel Wilson."

"Congratulations for your brother's union." said Thor

"He is my step brother but thank you." I told him

Suddenly Tony came run to Thor and jumps on him and yells, "Piggyback ride."

"Please get off me Man of the Iron."

"Tony get back here," Pepper said running after Tony

"Thor save me." Tony yelled 

"I am just going to go." I told Thor

"I believe that would be wise son of Wilson."

"Nice meeting you Thor." I told him as I left him with drunk Tony and angry Pepper 

Anyway the party was cut short because of a heap of people passing out drunk this included Peter, Foggy, Matt and Wade.

"Why am I always the one person left sobber?" I question myself as I put all of them into the back of a taxi and went but to wade and Peter's place for the night.

Extra- The next morning 

I sleep at my father's house last night before getting up and making everyone breakfast.

"My head, whose idea was it to drink Asgard beer again?" grumbled my father

"Yours." I told him

"Shh, it's too early."

"It's 1 pm, wade." I told him in a sigh

"Shh." he said with a mouth full of taco

"Anyway I am leaving my bar in Kitty and Logan's hands until I finally know Hydra is gone, I am also keeping my now alas just in case my Victor Norman person has been compromised which I am pretty sure it is so I am going to move back to DC." I told my father 

"Are you sure you want to do that after Hamish?" asked my father

"It's the only plan I have at the moment so yes."

"Okay be safe kid and try not to cause any trouble." My father said

"But trouble is my middle name."

"No your middle name is Scarlett." My father told me as I walked out the door rolling my blue contract covered eyes.

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