Chapter 4- Smithsonian

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Steve Pov:

I was angry at Fury he made me go on a mission with Romanoff but sent her off on her own mission. On top of that frustration, I still didn't know what happened to Jason just that he was 'Gone'. I decided enough was enough and drove my bike to the Smithsonian. I see the Captain America section they had some stuff about Project Rebirth, a stand with my old bike on it, a memorial for Bucky and a separate one of all the Howling Commandos. But so far there was nothing about Jason Martin anywhere that was until I reached a little section within the exhibit It had a smaller memorial for what was known as the Howling Forces. I read about them...

The Howling Forces was created after the Howling Commandos lost there fearless leader Captain America. Their mission was to stop the madman known Hilter. It is not known to most that there was another team of heroes taking down Hydra and Nazi bases alike they were known as the Red Force with their mereancy leader Jason Martin. The Red Force consisted of Uriel Rivers, Mason Holland, James Howlett, Jason Martin and Private Linton. Jason was to have been to believed to have been an iconic war hero right after Barnes and Rogers. Not much is known about Jason Martin's pre-war life expect that he was a mercenary known as Red. It is believed that Howard Stark was the one who recruited Mr Martin to safeguard Project Rebirth.The General noticed Jason's amazing fighting skills and sent him on a mission to defeat Hydra. He had a platoon of twenty soldiers and when into Nazi Germany where he told his men to start walking most of them believed that Jason was insane because they believe he didn't know where he was going. But after walking for a while the men saw their first Hydra base. This is where Martin appointed his second and third in command. Sargent Mason Holland and Uriel Rivers. With the help of his men, Martin saved about 500 hundred soldiers lives... this mission went down in history as one of the most successful rescue missions. 

I moved to the next panel to keep reading about what happened to Jason.

It is believed that Jason, Steve Rogers AKA Captain America and Bucky were best friends but Jason didn't join the Howling Commandos.  The Red Force took down a total of 6 Hydra bases in there time soon after Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers become missing in action the Howling Commandos and the Red Forces joined together to form the Howling Forces. 

I moved to the last slide... this is it...I will finally know what happened to Jason. 

The Howling Forces had one last mission before they were sent home and that was to capture Hilter. The mission was a failure resulting in the death of Sargent Holland and Rivers as well as the supposed death of Jason Martin, Jason was supposed to have been saving dum dum from a bullet resulting in his death but his body was never recovered.  And Hilter suicided . Where ever, whatever Jason Martin went or did after the war he was still remembered as a hero.     

Did he die... this trip just raised more questions then it did answers. I sighed in defeat and decided to visit Peggy.

"What is the visit for this time Stevie?" Asked Peggy

"I went to the Smithsonia."

"I will take it you found a little bit about Jason." Peggy said 

"Do you know what happened to him?"

Peggy sighed..."I only know what Dum Dum told me."

"That as soon as Jason saved him from the bullet, Jason said with a chuckle 'So Iguess this is how I go out.'"

"Dugan said 'the medical is coming your going to make it.' but Jason knew it was to late for him so he said 'Dugan, you and I both know by the time they get here I will be dead.'" said Peggy

"Dugan panic and said. 'I don't know what I can do for you.'"

"Jason's last words to Dugan was 'Live.'" said Peggy sadly

"The reason his body was never recovered was because it turned to dust all that was left was the bullet that was inside him, his dog tags and a purple flower."

Peggy got the flower, dog tag and bullet out of her drawer.

"I believe you should have these." Peggy said with a sad smile.

"So he is really gone?"

"I am sorry who are you?" Peggy questioned

I realise that she was having an episode so I left back to my apartment...

Stiles Pov:

I finally washed the blonde dye out of my hair leaving it a mixture of Black and light brown. I take my contacts out, put a pair of jeans on and my red hoodie before leaving the house to visit I should have visited sooner. 

"I was wondering when you would come." Peggy said 

"Sorry I am late." I told her 

"I am just happy you made it back here okay." she told me happily 

"Look at you don't  look a day over 21."

"Well that is because I am only nineteen still Peggy." I told her with my famous smirk across my face

"So is there another reason you a visiting?"

"Yes." I said sadly

"What is it Jason?"

"When I got back here, to the future Hydra got me and experimented on me." I told her

"What did they do?"

"Nothing much just changed my body in a couple of ways?" I told her

"Please show me."

I sighed and closed my eyes before opening them showing hurt my yellow glow stick eyes then opened my mouth to show my fangs before I put them away.

"Stiles, Jason, sweetheart you know your not a monster."

"But I look like one now." I told her looking down

"Let me tell you something sweet, Not all Monsters do monstrous things."

"Thanks Peggy, you always know how to make me  feel better." I said Hug her

"Now go defeat Hydra it's your mission."

"Always has been always will be." I told her 

"Good bye Peggy."

"Good bye Stiles." She told me 

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