Chapter 9- Red, you can't say stuff like that in public!!!

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Suddenly an explosion happened and armed aliens came in

"What in the name of Captain America's red, white and blue underwear is going on!" I yelled over the chaos of bodies and screams.

"Red, you can't say that we're in public." yelled an innocent Uriel who was pulling out his guns 

"The hell I can't." I said 

"Here are you guys boss." said Holland giving me my guns back

"Come to daddy, yes I have missed you." I said to my guns

"Is he talking to his guns?" asked Uriel

"You get used to it." said a very drunk Peter before passing out

"I am guessing we're on our own." said Uriel as he started shooting the enemy.

One of the enemy's bodies fall next to us and we all recognise the logo on there uniform, well expect for Gamora.

"You know who is attacking us?" asked Gamora

"Hydra." Uriel, Mason and I said at the same time as we shoot at the emery 

"Gamora can you cover the passed out drunk ass who are your teammates while we try and kill these bastards?"

Gamora did as I said.

"How did Hydra get into space."

"I don't know, how did Hydra get into space, Holland?" I asked him

"I don't know that's why I asked."

"Stop fighting  guys." said Uriel

"Sorry Rivers."

"Sorry Uri." said Mason

"These guys are more annoying than the shit that comes out of Sam Wilson's mouth."

"Red, you can't say stuff like that in Public." Uriel Scowleds me  

"You're really living up to your angelic name, ain't you, Uriel."

"I can't help it if you have a sailer's mouth, Red." teased Uriel

"We will talk about you sass after we survive this Mr."

"What are you my father?"

"You know I've been your father since both you to shit heads entered the was in my platoon." I told them 

"Always know you thought of us as sons, Rivers you owe me two dollars." said Holland 

I shot the last Hydra agent.

"What's our orders now, boss?" asked Holland

"Time to go home men." I told them with a smile

"I can't believe we're going back to Earth."

"'Well as soon as Peter sobber," I told them

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