Chapter 11- When I see you again

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The men and I walked for miles on end until we arrived in camp with some soldiers yelling out.

"There back, there back."

"Agent Jason Martin is back."

I walked up to the general.

"Sir." I addressed him

"Agent Martin, I see you have got the men back."

"Yes Sir." I answered

"Did you find anything at the base?"

"Yes Sir." I answered again

"We will discuss your findings at 0700 tomorrow until then son relax you earnt it."

Rivers yelled out, "Let's hear it 3 cheers for Red."

Suddenly everyone when into an uproar of cheers and hats was thrown into the air. A lady in an Army uniform came up to me.

"Agent Martin?" she asked me

"That would be I, Madam." I told her 

"My name is Agent Peggy Carter, I have some people that are looking for you."

"Lead the way, Agent Carter," I told her as she nodded and starts walking 

We soon came to a tent, I opened it to find a pale looking Bucky and a beefcake Steve. He looked like the version I meet in the future.

"You look like shit, Buck."

"Well you ain't no peach either." Bucky retorted 


"Language !" Steve yelled at me 

"Different Body but still the same Stevie."

"I heard about your mission impossible, good job." said Steve

"Thanks." I told him with a smirk across my face 

"Who wants to go out for drinks?" asked Bucky 

"Meee." I said raising my hand making Steve chuckle and Bucky to smirk 

 A light blush spread across my checks but it was gone as soon as it came.

We all went out to a little Bar called the whistler which to me just sounded like a strip club name but Steve assured me it was definitely a bar. While Steve when up to a group of people who I realised were the Howling Commandos or soon to be known as the Howling Commandos. Steve soon went up to Bucky and me.

"The General wants me to put a team together so what do you say Buck, you ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death?"

"Hell no, I am following the little kid who didn't know how to back down from a fight," Bucky said sipping is whisky 

"Sorry Jason, I can only bring 7 people with me."

"It's alright Stevie, I am pretty sure the General has a plan for me anyway," I said sipping my drink.

 Suddenly Agent Carter walked in and Steve's eyes when straight to her red dress. I just rolled my eyes and sipped my drink.

"Hey Jason, I have something to tell you."

"Sure, I am listening," I told him

" Well...a.." I watched as Bucky stubbled over this words 

He sighed in defeat and said, "I realised when I was in Hydra's jaws that I really missed you and when we go our separate ways I feel like its the last time I will see you." 

I have a feeling that wasn't what he wanted to say but it warmed my hurt to know that he missed me as I missed him. But then I remembered that in November 1943 Bucky was going to die. He was going to fall off a train... this was the last time I would see him alive before his crusade with Captain America... I was going to lose someone else I loved. But I had to give him hope right... to keep going in the war.

"I have a feeling that wasn't what you wanted to say to me but how about when I see you again you tell me what you really wanted to say?" I said giving him a smirk before Holland bust into the Pub.

"Red, Gerneral when to see you... he has another mission for you."

I sighed in defeat, "I will see you around Bucky." 

"How about when all of this is over we go get a drink?" Bucky asks

"Sounds like a date." I said to him before leaving the pub

That was the last time I saw James Buchanan Bares alive...

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