Chapter 5- The start of the Winter War

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Steve Pov:

I was about to walk into my apartment when my neighbour Sharon talks to me.

Sharon said, "That's so sweet. That is so nice. Hey. I gotta go, though. Okay, bye. My aunt, she's kind of an insomniac."

I  offered her to use my washing machine because it would be cheaper than the ones in the basement.

Sharon then went on to say,"Oh, yeah? What's it cost?"

I really liked Sharon but my brain and my mother stopped working and the 1st words that came to my head was, "A cup of coffee."

Shit did I just ask her out on a date... this is weird.

Sharon said, " Thank you, but um...I already have a load in downstairs, and, really don't want my scrubs in your machine. I'm just finished orientation in the infectious diseases ward, so."

"Ah, well, I'll keep my distance." I joked 

"Well hopefully not too far.  Oh, and I think you left your stereo on."

I know I didn't  leave it on which means someone is in my apartment.

"Oh. Right Thank you." I told Sharon as she left.

I entered my apartment to see Fury. 

"I don't remember giving you a key."

"You really think I'd need one? My wife kicked me out." Fury said with a sigh

" Didn't know you were married."

"A lot of things you don't about me." Fury said 

I turns on the light and  notices Fury's injuries for the first time, but Fury indicates for me to be silent, I turns off the light and writes something on his phone and shows it to me; "ears everywhere"

"I know, Nick. That's the problem."

" I'm sorry to have to do this, but I had no place else to crash." Furrywrites another text and shows it to me; "SHIELD compromised"

"Who else knows about your wife?" [Fury shows me another text; "You and me"

" friends." 

"Is that what we are?" I asked him

"That's up to you." 

Suddenly Fury is shot three times from through the wall and collapses, I looks out the window for the shooter then I quickly drags Fury to the next room, before I leaves Fury hands me the flash drive.

" Don' anyone. "said Fury before he passes out.

I heard someone breaking into my apartment and hears my neighbor, sharon calling out  me.

" Captain Rogers? Captain, I'm Agent 13 of SHIELD Special Service."
" I'm assigned to protect you." she said " On whose order?" I asked her

"His" she said pointing at Fury

She contacts Shield through a radio, " Foxtrot is down, he's unresponsive. I need EMTs."

I went after the person who shoot fury. I throw my shield at him but he caught it with his metal arm which confused me he then throw it back at me. He wore all back and had a mazal like mask.

Who was that?

Whatever is going on this is just the beginning...

Awhile later...

Fury was taken to the hospital with Natasha, Maria Hill and myself there.

" Is he gonna make it?" asked Natasha " I don't know."" Tell me about the shooter." asked Natasha

" He's fast and strong. Had a metal arm. ]"Ballistics?" asked Natasha to Maria

"Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable.""Soviet-made." asked Natasha 


Suddenly they watch in shock as Fury's state deteriorates

" Don't do this to me, Nick." Natasha said sadly

Doctor said, "Time of death 1:03 am."

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