Chapter 4- 'You owe me a bar'

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Wade PVO:

I turned around, it all happened so fast. It come in a blur of green and white.

"Get down." I heard stiles yelled as a hissing sound echoed though the wry purple walls of the club.

The hissing sound was soon replied by the sound of shattered glass.

"Kitty get everyone out." Stiles ordered as I heard the sound of two guns being loaded.

"You got it boss." Replied kitty as she threw her hat off her head as she faded through the bar.

Suddenly Logan went falling into me.

"Hello to you to Logan." I said as he got off of me

"Not the time wade."

There floor above us was about to land on an old couple but peter used this webs and saved them.

I only had one of my guns on me because I was on a fucking date and didn't think I would have to deal with what ever the fuck the thing that was attacking us. I climbed over the table to see stiles going all 007... well he's not a spy but dam could he have fooled Nick. I finally got a good look at what we were fighting. It was fucking baby Godzilla . It was a mutant humanoid lizard that was wearing a torn OsCop lab coat.

"Pete if I live after taken on Godzilla's baby we are going to have a serious conversation about who your allowed to help with science." I grumbled under my breath as I ( being the incredible stupid and dumb killing machine I am) takers the 11 foot crazy lizard man. I ended up flying into a wall before blacking out... yeah not how I planned my night going at all.


Steve POV

One moment I was talking to Bruce about my administration for the young singer known as Victor Norman and then the next moment I saw Mr Wilson and Parker walk into the club and I felt an emptiness and sadness that hallowed out within my chest at the memory of his son's funeral. Suddenly scream, gun shoots and blood rained within the bar like a horror movie. A bartender grabbed Bruce and myself by the hand.

"Who are you?" Asked bruce to the girl

"Look I am trying to get you to safety because my boss ordered me too, it's nice to see you again Mr Rogers."

I remember her , she was at stiles's funeral too and now that I mention it to myself the bounce out the front looked familiar too.

"My name is kitty, now let's go, I don't want the boss to have my ass on a fire later." Said kitty getting us both safety out of the club

"Whose your boss?"

"A friend, now I hoped you enjoyed your night at shadow alley." Kitty said disappearing

"I am never drinking outside the tower again." Grumbled Doctor Banner making me roll my eyes

"At least you can get drunk." I muttered as we both left to Stark tower for the night.

stiles POV

We managed to defeat the lizard monster but my club was not in any working state, glass shattered bullet holes littered everywhere. I huffed before giving peter the death glare and saying.

"Parker,  you owe me a fucking bar!!!!"

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