Chapter 16- The LAST

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" Hey, Sam, we gonna need a ride." said Steve

"Roger! Let me know when you're ready." said Sam

"You ready for this?" Steve asked me as Hydta agents are about to shoot a missile at us.

"Nope but we don't have time for that." I said as we both jumped

"Sam, we really need that ride." I said as we both started falling

Sam flies in just in time to catch Steve and I and  flies himself Steve  and I onto the last Helicarrier.

" You know, you're a lot heavier than you look. Both of you." Sam informed us

"I had a big breakfast."

"I am just carrying a lot of guns."

 Suddenly Bucky appears and pushes Steve off the edge leaving me  alone with Bucky as Sam saves Stevie from dying.

"Bucky." I said as we start fighting as Steve is back on the Helicarrier and Sam is grounded because his suit is down.

"I don't want to hurt you bucky but I have to finish this mission." 

"You are my Mission both of you." Bucky told us

"Bucky if  you don't let me do this alot of people are going to die." said Stevie  as both Bucky and I keep fighting

Bucky somehow got a chip.

"Bucky put it down." said Stevie

I get Bucky into an arm look and start hold his neck until he passes out and drops the chip.

"Steve put the chip in." I told him in a pant

 "1 minute." Said Maria over the comlink

"Stand by on Charlie." I told her

"Charlie locked." said Steve

"Okay you two get out."

"Fire it ." said Cap as he looked at me

"I am staying with you like it or not you're  my brother until the end." 

Maria tries to talk us out of it.

"Maria, just do it." I told her 

I know Maria listened to us because I could see the other Helicarriers getting really to fire on one another. Suddenly Bucky lashes out at Steve and me.

"You know us." said Steve

"No I don't." He counted 

"Bucky you know us..."

"Bucky I have known you my whole life." said steve as Bucky hits steve but steve doesn't fight back.

"I have known you for years Bucky." I said as Bucky hit me as well across the face... dam that's going to bruise.

"Shut up, no I don't." Bucky said

"Your name is James Buchanan Barnes." said Steve as Buck hits Stevie again 

"Shut up!" Bucky roared out as Steve takes off his mask and his shield falls out of the Helicarrier. I caught on to what Stevie was doing so I took off my red hood of my hoodie and dropped my guns and knives.

"We not gonna fight you. You're our friend." I told him as I saw he was fighting himself to look at me which I found odd.

Bucky pushs us to the ground and starts to punch steve repeatedly but he left me be for the moment.

"You are my mission."

"Then finish it. Cause I am with you to the end of the line." Said Steve before he fell into the river below.

"Stevie." I yelled as I watched him fall

I noticed Bucky was watching him too until he turned his attention to be and started punching me.

"Bucky I can fight you even if I tried you are my love... the only person I have ever loved."

"Shut up." Bucky Screamed 

"I told you when I saw you again you owed me a date." I said before I passed out and everything faded into darkness.

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