Chapter 2

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Note: I do not own the Teen Titans

"From the day we met I have considered you a friend," Starfire sighed.

Her gaze was out lost in the sky, as if she thought Robin was really there for her to talk to.

"I have never doubted you Robin." She paused for a moment. "I fear something terrible's happened to you. Please Robin. Come back unharmed."

She sighed and rubbed her face, realizing tears were forming in her eyes. Solemnly, she walked down to where the rest of the Titans were in the main room. Or, where most of the Titans were. She passed Raven down the halls.

"Cyborg made dinner for you. Gave you a bottle of mustard too," she informed.

Starfire forced a smile.

"Thank you friend Raven," she said quietly, continuing to walk towards the main room.

"DUDES!" Someone screamed. Both of the girls ran to the main room.

"What's going on?" Raven questioned.

"Someone broke into the Tower," Cyborg answered, searching frantically on the computer.

The windows suddenly shattered, three of Slade's minions rushing through and attacking the Titans.

One grabbed ahold of Starfire, but she quickly escaped and blasted him out of the window and into the ocean. As another tried to grab Raven she closed her eyes and concentrated.

"Azarath metrion ZINTHOS!" She exclaimed, summoning a large dark wave of magic, distracting the kidnapper and letting go of Raven.

Cyborg blasted that minion out of the window as well, letting the waves catch him.

"Help!" Beast Boy shouted.

All three turned to Beast Boy Who was held captive. He had a metal collar around his neck that electrocuted him whenever he attempted to change into a different animal.

"Azarath, metrion-" Raven started to say.

Slade's minion cut her off by throwing a bomb on the ground. As it exploded, the three remaining titans looked at a fresh new hole created by the bomb.

Both the minion and Beast Boy were gone.

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