Chapter 7

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Note: I do not own the Teen Titans

"Raven watch out!" Beast Boy warned, making her turn around.

She moved the walls and blocked all of them off before they got to her.

"Azarath metrion ZINTHOS!" Raven shouted.

She made a clean cut through the collar, slicing it off of Beast Boy's neck and onto the ground. He started rubbing his neck and removed his hand, red stained onto his gloves.

"I'm sorry!" Raven said floating towards him and lightly touching his neck. He winced, but stayed still.

"I didn't know you cared this much," he joked again.

Raven closed her eyes and concentrated on healing his cut. When she finished Beast Boy rubbed his neck again, checking for any blood.

"Thanks," he said.

Raven gave a faint smile and grabbed his hand, flying up. The minions blasted through the wall, trying to shoot at both of them.

"Ready?" Raven asked him.

"Ready," he replied, a grin growing on his face.

* * *

"Why are you here?" Robin asked.

"The real question is, why are you here?" Cyborg snapped. "Why'd you leave us?"

"Where's Starfire?" Robin pressed, ignoring his question.

Starfire's screams interrupted them.

"Come on!" Robin said, running towards the screams.

Cyborg started running after Robin until something hard slammed into his back. The last thing he remembered was seeing a circular machine attached to him, before it electrocuted him, making him collapse.

"Starfire!" Robin yelled, running down the halls.

"Robin!" Slade yelled into his ear. "What do you think you're doing?"

"You said if I followed your orders you'd leave them alone!" Robin snapped, still running through the halls.

"On the contrary Robin, I said I wouldn't hurt them," Slade said. "And I will if you continue to disobey me!"

Robin finally ran into a room, Starfire glowing bright orange.

"Stop!" Starfire cried. "Please stop!"

"Starfire!" Robin yelled, rushing towards her.

She turned to him and fell to the floor.

"Robin," she groaned.

She felt weak. Something was happening to her.

"Attack her Robin," Slade said into his ear piece.

"You can't make me do this," Robin said. "Not again."

"Robin," he chuckled. "You would rather let your other friends suffer like this? Pick one Robin. Your friends, or her. Their lives, or her life."

Robin stepped back.

"You promised to not hurt them!" Robin yelled into the earpiece. "Not to only hurt one and set the rest free!"

"Promises are unfair Robin," Slade replied.

"I am not choosing between Starfire and my team!"

Suddenly a starbolts shot to the left of him, making him turn around. A weak Starfire stood there staring at her friend, still glowing a radiant orange.

"Choose them," Starfire said.

"Star, I-"

"I do not wish to let my friends suffer," Starfire interrupted.

She returned to her normal colors, already feeling stronger. Robin could now see her wound clearly on her shoulder, gasping at the sight.

"Attack her," Slade ordered.

Robin swung his head down for a second, then charged towards Starfire. She dodged every move, flying through the air gracefully. She did not dare throw any starbolts at Robin. She couldn't.

He knew she could withstand all of his attack moves. All but one.

"Use that blaster," Slade demanded.

Robin stared at Starfire, then slowly raised his arm towards her. She quickly brought her left arm up, summoning a starbolt. They both fired, their lasers meeting in the middle, clashing with each other. Neither one dared to let go, for if one let go then they would surely perish.

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