Chapter 6

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Note: I do not own Teen Titans

Beast Boy struggled to get free, he'd never really used a bobby pin to get out of captivity. He'd usually just transform into a T-Rex or a mouse to get out. But he couldn't do that now.

He heard a slight chuckle from behind him.

"Who's there?" He demanded.

A louder laugh followed after that.

"It's very entertaining," the voice said.

Beast Boy growled at the voice.

"I know Robin slipped you something so you could get out. Or, attempt to get out."

"What do you want Slade?" He snapped. "Why do you need me here?"

"Simple really," Slade replied. "I need to make sure Robin does not need friends to work for me."

"What does that mean?" Beast Boy growled.

"Patience," Slade answered.

He walked through the door and let it close, leaving Beast Boy in the dark once again.

"Cyborg, go follow Starfire," Raven said as she carried him to the ground. "She's injured, and she's going to need someone to free her and help her out."

"What are you going to do?" Cyborg asked.

"I'm going after Beast Boy."

Cyborg nodded as he landed on the ground, running after the minion.

Starfire tried to get free, trying to summon her starbolts through her hands, but it was no use. The handcuffs prevented her from summoning them. As they flew inside, Starfire started screaming, a sharp pain flowing through her body. It was unbearable.

"Starfire?" Robin shouted, turning around.

He kept hearing her screams, but he didn't know where she was.

"Where'd you put her?" Robin yelled at Slade.

"Somewhere," Slade replied walking past him. "Though I should put her farther away. Then she won't be a distraction to you."

"I'm working for you so my friends could stay safe!" Robin scowled. "Not captive!"

"Very demanding aren't you Robin?" Slade laughed. "Your friends are here. And your friends are safe. For the moment."

"What do you mean for the-"

"As long as you don't mess up, nothing will happen to them."

"You already kidnapped them, you call that nothing?" Robin yelled.

Starfire's screams were heard again, this time louder and deafeningly painful to hear.

Robin ran out of the room he was in and tried to follow the noise.

"Robin!" Slade ordered.

He didn't listen, still trying to follow Starfire's screams.

Just then, Cyborg jumped down from the roof.


* * *

Raven levitated through the dark hallways, searching for her friend. She always thought he was a bit annoying, telling stupid jokes and acting childish. But deep down she really liked him. Raven wanted to reach out to him, wanted to blast everyone who hurt him with dark magic, but she held herself back. She couldn't risk showing anything due to her majestic powers. They were a gift, but also a curse. She could never be a normal teenage girl.

"Beast Boy?" She called quietly. "Beast Boy?"

She continued to wander down the hallways, searching for him.

"Beast Boy?"

She heard a faint voice.


It was soft, but she knew who it was.

"Beast Boy?" She called yet again.

"Who's... who's there?" The voice replied.

She followed the voice into a dark room, with only a single light bulb hanging in the middle of the room.


Raven walked towards the cage to see.

"Beast Boy!" She exclaimed.

"Raven?" Beast Boy answered, looking up.

"Azarath metrion zinthos," she chanted, breaking the lock on the cage.

She ran in and started trying to get him out. She bent down and started trying to get him out of his chains.

"I'm surprised you out of all people came to save me," Beast Boy joked.

"Come on, help me out!" Raven snapped. "Change into one of your stupid animals or something to get out of this chain!"

She immediately regretted calling him stupid.

"I can't," he sighed.

Raven looked up at him. Their eyes met for just a second before Beast Boy pulled away.

"This thing around my neck, I don't know what it is but it prevents me from changing."

Raven stood up.

"Hold completely still," she ordered.

"What are you doing?" He questioned.

"Just, trust me," she said, putting a hand on his shoulder. He immediately relaxed and held still.

"Azarath," she started. "Metrion,"

A loud thud was heard behind her and as they both turned, they saw an army of minions waiting to attack them.

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