Chapter 4

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Note: I do not own Teen Titans

"Robin," Slade said into his ear. "Use your blaster."

Robin hesitated, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before slowly aiming it directly at Starfire. Starfire dared not to move. Her eyes softened, she felt more weak than ever.

"Robin, you are my best friend," she began. "I cannot live in a life where we must fight."

Robin looked around to see his friends protecting the vault, Raven slowly inching him towards where Starfire stood and Cyborg pointing his blaster at him.

"If you are truly evil go ahead," she said, her starbolts disappearing. "Do what you must."
Robin stopped. Everyone stopped.

"Starfire no!" Robin replied, the first words he exchanged to any of the team since he disappeared. He put down his blaster and walked a little closer to Starfire. "I-"

"ROBIN," Slade screamed into his ear, making him wince. "I gave you an order. If you won't attack... my probes will."

Robin witnessed what the probes did to all of his friends. They started glowing orange, all of them shaking and groaning. Raven started floating to the floor, holding her head as the cement and rocks fell to the ground. Cyborg fell to the ground and laid there, struggling to get up. Starfire started to fall, Robin catching her and staring at her in pain.

"Stop it!" Robin yelled. "Stop it, please!"

"Attack, Robin," Slade said. "It's the only way to save your friends. Fight."

Robin looked at all of his friends again and sighed. He softly put Starfire down on the sign.

"Robin," she pleaded, reaching out to him.

He looked away. He knew he couldn't forgive himself for this.

"I'm sorry," he said, pointing his blaster at Starfire.

All she saw was a bright red light coming towards her, then black.

She awoke in the Titans medical care, her right shoulder aching.

"You're awake," a voice said.

She turned to see Raven sitting down and staring at her.

"Raven!" She exclaimed. "What happened? Where is Robin?"

"Gone," Cyborg said, coming into the room. "He escaped with the item. I can't believe it..."

"That thing," Raven said, standing up from her chair. "What was that?"

Both Starfire and Cyborg knew what she meant.

"I don't know," Cyborg said. I'm researching about it right now."

Starfire got out of the bed.

"It could not have been Robin who triggered it," she stated.

"Starfire's right," Raven replied. "He had an ear piece on and was pleading for someone to stop."

"Slade," Cyborg snarled. "It has to be. But what was he threatening Robin about?"

* * *

"Excellent work Robin," Slade said, walking past Robin and grabbing the item. "You're becoming more like me every minute."

Robin snarled, trying his best to hold in his anger.

"I'm sure your friend would like to hear all about it," Slade continued. Robin looked over at a tired Beast Boy, his head hung down and shaking in disapproval.

"We watched your performance," Slade commented. "Very entertaining."

There was a silence that filled the room. Slade walked away and out of the room, shutting the door after him.

"Robin," Beast Boy said, shaking his head in disapproval.

Robin walked closer to him, trying to get something out of his belt.

"Do you still have your communicator?" Robin asked.

"They took it away," Beast Boy answered. "Robin, why-"

Robin slid something into Beast Boy's cage. Beast Boy didn't do anything.

"How could you do that to our friends?" Beast Boy asked. "Cyborg, Starfire... Raven..."

Robin hid his face from his green friend.

"It was the only way to protect you," Robin replied.

Slade walked into the room again.

"Robin?" He said, summoning him.

Robin reluctantly followed him, letting the door shut after. Beast Boy stared at the darkness surrounding him, only a single lightbulb tied to a rope in front of him. He then looked down and saw a pin.

Beast Boy suddenly knew what Robin was doing.

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