Chapter 11

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Note: I do not own the Teen Titans

"What did I do?"

Raven sat in front of what use to be her window, staring out into the sky. Her hood was now off, exposing her scared and frightened face.

"How did I..."

She fell to the ground, her hands cupping her face.

"I can't turn out like him," she said to herself. "I can't be a murderer."

"You won't turn out like him," a voice said from behind her. She turned and saw Beast Boy at the broken door.

"Sorry," he continued. "I couldn't really knock on the door."

Raven gave a forced smile, but turned back around to look out her room again.

"Can I, come in?" He asked.

She nodded. She listened to Beast Boy's soft footsteps as he walked in. He sat beside her, not paying attention to the view, but only paying attention to her. To him, she was the only view that mattered.

"A penny for your thoughts?" He flipped a coin over to Raven's lap, the penny landing on heads.

"I murdered someone," she responded. "How would you feel?"

"He was beating us," Beast Boy replied. "You had to do something."

"But I could've controlled it," Raven snapped. "I should've controlled it! Or something. I should've done something else."

"It was in the heat of the moment!" Beast Boy said. He knew he wasn't making it better. But he didn't want to just sit aside and watch as his friend panicked. He saw confusion in her eyes, he knew she felt lost. But he didn't know what to do.

"Everything's suppose to be in the heat of the moment!" Raven exclaimed. "We're heroes, we're suppose to protect everyone, not kill them!"

"He was a killer, a villain!" Beast Boy retorted. "He wasn't protecting anyone."

"He still didn't deserve to die," Raven sighed.

He paused.

"No one does," Beast Boy said, putting his hand on Raven's shoulder. There was a pause, a silence that filled the room.

Beast Boy then felt arms go around his neck. He looked up at Raven, who was now in his arms, desperate for anything. He heard silent sobs come from her mouth, and he immediately hugged her back. It wasn't like her to hug, for her to show fear. It wasn't like her to cry. He looked around the room to see little pebbles and cement leftover from the tower turn dark and float up, shattering into pieces afterwards. She was unstable.

"It's okay Raven," he said, lifted her head up.

He watched her tears fall from her eyes to her cheek and wiped them away.

"We'll find a way. I promise."

Although her body ached, Starfire was determined to care for Cyborg and Robin, though mostly Cyborg. He seemed the most damaged from the attack, his wires sticking out of his body. He didn't have much time left. It hurt her greatly to see that she caused that destruction. She needed to try and fix it. Somehow.

She got some tools and supplies from Cyborg's room, many of which she didn't know what to do with. But she needed to figure it out soon, that was for sure. As she flew down the hall to the infirmary, her mind wandered to dark paths.

"What if Cyborg doesn't survive? What will happen to my friends? What if we won't heal in time for another attack?"

She stopped thinking when she clumsily hit the wall on a turn, dropping all of the tools. She panicked and tried to pick up all of them when she saw a hand grab a wrench in front of her.

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