Chapter 9

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Note: I do not own the Teen Titans

Robin paced in his room back and forth, impatiently waiting for everyone to get cured.

"Two weeks," he kept mumbling to himself. "Two weeks."

He walked out of his dorm and checked on his team in the main room. Beast Boy was hooked up to a machine, every part of it covering his body.

"Everything's almost done already," Cyborg announced with a happy tone. "Just finishing up with Beast Boy."

Robin looked around to see Cyborg working on Beast Boy and Raven reading from her book.

"Where's Starfire?" Robin asked.

"Out on the roof," Raven replied, not looking up from her book.

"She's been out there since dawn," Beast Boy voice muffled through the machine.

Robin stared at his team and flashed a smile.

"What are you looking at?" Cyborg asked, raising his eyebrow.

Robin shrugged.

"Just happy to be a part of the team again."

Starfire sat on the edge of Titan's Tower, admiring the sunset ahead of her. The bright yellow sun made the sky orange, pink, purple, and blue, each and every color blending yet contrasting each other. It clashed with the violet ocean it set over, making a beautiful scene that seemed to last forever.

"Hey," a voice said from behind Starfire.

She turned, a smile already appearing on her face as she watched her caped friend walk over and sit down next to her.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

Starfire turned back to admire the sunset.

"It is beautiful," she said, ignoring his question.

"Yeah, it is," Robin replied, looking out himself.

"On my planet a sunset as beautiful as this would occur once in a lifetime."

They both looked out, listening to the ocean below them.

"Robin?" Starfire asked, turning to him.

"Yeah Star?" He responded.

"I am... sorry."

"You're sorry? For what?"

"I doubted you. When you disappeared, when we fought, I feared that you were truly... that you were gone. That you wished not to be a part of the team any longer. That you didn't want to be... with us," Starfire said.

He had so many things to say. So many things to explain. He wanted her to know how much the team, how much she mattered to him.

"Starfire," was all that escaped from his mouth.

She looked at him, then closed her eyes.

"Perhaps it was just in my mind," she continued. "Maybe it was... foolish of me to think of such a thing. Even so, I still wish to apologize. For doubting you."

"It's okay Star," Robin assured, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"I still feel this... guilt," she responded, hanging her head down. "You are my best friend, I feel as if I should never doubt you. But I did."

"I doubted myself Star," he said. "I didn't know how long I could protect the team, how long I could protect you. I didn't want to hurt my team. If I am really like Slade, and he could do that to you, what could I..."

He didn't finish his sentence.

"I'm... just glad you and the titans are okay," he said.

He started to get up, thinking about walking back into his room to predict where Slade is going to strike next. He then felt a tug on his arm. He turned to see Starfire looking up at him.

"Please, if it is okay, I would like you to stay," Starfire offered.

He did not say another word. He did not object, nor did he make any excuse to go back. All he did was sit back down next to her, closer than he had ever been before.

Both of them did not speak for awhile, they did not have to. All the colors, the soft waves from the ocean, the wind dancing through their hair, they all seemed to speak for them.

Starfire got lost in the sky, her eyes reflecting every color, every movement. Robin looked at her, a smile appearing on his face. They stayed until the moon rose, and the sun disappeared. The sky was now painted a dark blue, stars scattered throughout the world. As the city lights grew less, the stars shined more.

Starfire finally turned back to Robin, who was lost not in the sky, but in her eyes.

"Perhaps we should rest," Starfire said.

"Huh?" Robin replied, coming back to reality. "Um yeah, we should go to bed."

He got up and held out his hand to Starfire. She looked up at him and grinned, taking his hand eagerly and stood up. The two gazed into each other's eyes and for a moment, time stopped. Their hands stayed intertwined.

"Are you... okay?" Robin asked, repeating his question from before.

Starfire flashed a smile.

"I am now

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