Chapter 10

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Note: I do not own the Teen Titans

"Alright Beast Boy, you're done!" Cyborg announced.

Beast Boy jumped up, almost all the wires connected to him bouncing off. Cyborg looked through the windows to see the dark sky.

"I think it's time for me to hit the hay," Beast Boy yawned, stretching his arms out.

"Have you seen Robin or Starfire anywhere?" Cyborg asked.

"Last I saw, Robin was searching for her," Beast Boy replied, shrugging.

Cyborg shrugged back and started cleaning up. Beast Boy strolled down the hallway only to bump into Raven. Her books fell onto the ground.

"Raven!" Beast Boy squealed. "I'm sorry! Let me-"

"Don't," Raven interrupted. "I got it."

They both crawled to their feet and stared at each other for a moment.

"Um, Raven?" Beast Boy asked.


"About what happened at Slade's place, when you kinda-"

"It meant nothing," she snapped.

Immediately he felt his heart breaking. Maybe she was thinking of something else?

"Then why'd you do it?" He snapped back.

Raven hesitated, holding onto her books more than ever.

"It was... a mistake," Raven answered, walking away.

"You know, I always believed you hated me until you kissed me!" Beast Boy shouted down the hall.

Raven stopped. She had to control her emotions. She had to conceal them. For her teams sake. For his safety.

"I'm not sure whether you do or not now," Beast Boy mumbled, walking the other direction.

He felt a hand go on his shoulder.

"Wait," She said.

Beast Boy turned around, very impatient.

"There are... things I can do," Raven tried to explain. "And there are things I can't do. If I feel something, if I start using my emotions again, I will lose control. I don't want that to happen."

Beast Boy's impatience turned into sympathy.

"I..." he started to say.

He wanted to tell her she could try and take a chance. That it'd be okay if she'd lose control. Because she'd have him by her side.

"I... understand," was all he said.

Raven looked relieved.

"I'm sorry Beast Boy, I really am," she said before turning her back on him, and leaving him in the dust.

The sun's rosy tips reached out to touch the clouds as it casted its colors throughout the sky.

All of the titans would usually be up by now, but all of them are sleeping in for the day. All except one.

Raven stood inside looking out the window, saying something to herself.

"With every sunrise comes a new day," she whispered. "With every sunrise comes a new beginning."

She took a deep breath before going to the center of her room to meditate.

"Azarath... Metrion.... Zinthos..." she repeated, closing her eyes and starting to float. Her cape hung down, moving only with her body.

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