13 - Bittersweet Drops of Jealousy - Part 2

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I glance to Magdalin. She's looking down in shock so I can't tell if she is a part of this or not.

For now my options are as follows:

- Pour it over Bridgette for her rudeness, accuse her of trying to poison me.

Though, with the view Alstair and Gilbert has of me they'll probably accuse me of being cruel, and in the mess the tea cup will be tipped over by Bridgette and my evidence is lost.

- I could drink it, but they may not believe me and accuse me of blaming a bad stomach on Bridgette.

But I have another option...

I glance to the mostly empty cup of tea.

Lily and Lionel never got along, so Lionel must have left here because of the commotion I was making with Soleil. In that case he should be back soon.

A somewhat cruel plan forms in my head. I just found the perfect victim of this tea. It'll break etiquette for a little bit, but it's the most peaceful way out of it. No scandals at all and no one will really be poisoned. It is a slight waste of sugar, but it should go flawlessly.

I put the tea cup down on the table and reach for the sugar, whereafter I begin putting in teaspoon after teaspoon of sugar into the tea. The faces of the kids around me turn to sheer disbelief after I put in the first ten spoonfuls.

"Lady Lily... haven't you had enough?" Alstair asks hesitantly, probably deeming the tea undrinkable at this point.

I of course finally stop and smile at him.

"Indeed, this should do."

I calmly begin stirring the small mountain of sugar in the bottom of my cup and wait patiently for the sugar to dissolve.

This is a security measure and an excuse. Unlike Bridgette I am not doing this secretly. In fact, I want them all to observe as closely as possible.


When the sugar is finally dissolved I check our surroundings and reach across the table, switching the sugary tea with Lionel's cold tea. Of course I don't drink from the cup, but just holding it gives the impression I have been drinking.

They all look at Lionel's spot where I placed the sugar spiked tea, and I take in the expressions curiously. Alstair is just staring at the sweetened tea dumbstruck like he's trying to determine what to do, and then stares at me even more dumbstruck. As for Gilbert, he's drinking his tea again all calmly.

"Lily...-sama..." Magdalin says out hesitantly.

I gently put a finger to my own lips.

"Don't spoil the surprise," I say softly.

Magdalin gives a troubled and nervous look at me as the victim appears.

Lionel moves down from the stairs, but though our eyes meet he doesn't flinch back. I narrow my eyes at him just a bit... seems like he has more guts than I expected.

If I hadn't read the novel I would have thought he was simply stupid, but sadly that wasn't the case. To deal with actual willpower is far more difficult.

Lionel boldly sits down next to Alstair, whose lips part hesitantly.

Are you going to warn him?

I don't care you know.

What I wanted to see was... the reactions of Bridgette and Magdalin as Lionel was about to drink the laxative tea. Since Bridgette doesn't have a crush on Lionel she likely won't warn him, but I can't be sure. Not that it changes the fact that the tea won't come back to me.

Lionel seems impressed that his cup has been refilled and calmly picks it up without thinking any further of the situation.

Bridgette turns pale and slumps together beside me but she doesn't speak. Her gaze is on her lap. She can probably feel my eyes on her. It's better if she doesn't say anything, as I am still her benefactor. If not for me she wouldn't be able to drink tea with Alstair, so being found out is quite bad.

Magdalin on the other hands looks at Lionel with a hint of a glare.

I turn my gaze back to Lionel. Against my expectations he hasn't drunk any of it yet...

Actually... he seems to have frozen after trying to take in the aroma as well.

No way, he actually noticed?

I worked as a priestess near an enemy that likes using poison, so I know a bit from there... this is not something a child should know.

"...Who poured this?"

Lionel breaks the subject unexpectedly gently, but his eyes are cold as ice. He casts his gaze onto the nearby maids and all of them quickly shake their heads. Magdalin glances in my direction as she thinks he means the sugar.

Bridgette's eyes on the other hand widens just a bit before glancing off to the side. She is trying to find a way out.

No way I would let that happen.

"Ara? I must have put in too much sugar if you're able to smell it," I replied with a sweet smile.

"Sugar?" His brows furrow. "Did you pour this?" His voice go cold enough to send a shiver down my spine, see, he was naturally blaming me. His expression was a bit serious for it being laxatives though... ah, maybe he just noticed that the smell was wrong, but not the type of 'poison'.

"Mmm? I did not. Bridgette herself poured my tea, to cheer me up after what you did, isn't she kind? Well, since I still have to pay you back for your insult on the terrace, I decided to give you a little gift by putting in... a little extra sugar."

Bridgette solidifies at my words. A lot of things can be said truthfully while still hiding a lot, and this was one of those times. I've kept my own knowledge hidden.

Everyone but Bridgette, Lionel and I seem convinced he had just noticed the sugar, and look a bit surprised over his anger. I, of course, was not going to say anything about there actually being poison. I intend to act ignorant unless clearly confronted. After all, I do not lie.

Lionel stares at me suspiciously as if he could sense my inner thoughts, and then unexpectedly his eyes widens.

"Did you drink any of this, Lily?"


"No... I did not." I think my polite smile faded a bit. Why was he asking?

Lionel's gaze turn on Bridgette like a wolf about to rip a little bunny apart. With an expression like he was about to pop he scares Bridgette enough to make her lower her head as if to brace for impact.

"I am reporting this to Marquess Celeste and Viscount Bryar as an attempt of poisoning of the future queen. The entire tea pot should be replaced as well."

With those words Lionel takes the cup along with him and leaves.

Just like that.

I stare after him for a while, but when I look to everyone else I note Alstair is just drinking quietly as if he'd left everything to Lionel.

Gilbert... eh... his expression had darkened... but with him glaring into his cup it was hard to know what he was thinking.

Magdalin's chair is pushed out violently as she stands up, her face distorted with anger.

"How could you! After all the kindness Lily-sama has shown you!" Her small voice was hurled right at Bridgette who said nothing in return but just frown quietly.

Magdalin then looks to Alstair with that look of hope, respect and... expectation... what is she expecting? After a long moment of silence her eyes drop and Magdalin's small gloved hand takes mine as she sends a sharp gaze as Altair and Gilbert, and then heroically pulled me away from the table like a small knight.

I could have doubted her sincerity for a moment, but when I saw the angry tears in her eyes it became hard to think so. Her small hand squeezes mine tighter, and she glances back at Alstair as though she expects him to come running.

No such thing would happen of course.

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