61 - Privileges and Obligations - Part 1

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I haven't quite felt like myself since yesterday. After Asher's sudden vow of loyalty I've felt off... I somehow managed to respond, but left immediately after their training resumed.

Furthermore, I am sure I have worried Magdalin. She appears to have been worried, for when I got down Ameline had made certain that there was fish for breakfast. As usual Magdalin and Amelin were incredibly sensitive of my state of mind, overly so perhaps. I've merely felt odd, it is nothing to make such a fuss about. Still, if it is fish I will not utter any complaints.

Still, I find it quite odd it had such a big impact. Is it the feelings of the original Lily? I was quite certain we'd mixed quite fully by now though.

All of that is well and fine... but...

"I came to escort you to class, my Lady."

Asher met us outside the female dorm with a determined and perceptive look.

Was he going to be following me around? It is not that I am not used to the feeling of having a bodyguard. In fact, as Rei I had a bodyguard for years. I was valuable after all. Still, this didn't fit that well with stalking our beloved Heroine. That, and I still hadn't figured out why his words yesterday had bothered me. It was a declaration of loyalty after all.

It wasn't like I dislike Asher either. He's a brave one and a determined one. Becoming a knight in this world isn't easy, and I can imagine that it took him not only hard work, but also only happened because of his bravery during the siege. I respect that. Furthermore, he is well behaved as well, and leaves no doubt as for his service. He's a loyal one. Umu. I do not feel uncomfortable with him, but with those words.

"Good morning, Asher," I reply simply and continue undisturbed. Magdalin keeps stealing half frowny glances at him, but Asher doesn't seem to mind though he noticed. Asher himself doesn't intrude on anything but merely keeps his eyes on our surroundings.

I could insist that I have no need for an escort, but it would probably fall on deaf ears if there has been multiple attempts on Alstair's life already...

Wait... There has been no attempt on my life yet... Gil's teasing doesn't count, and both Bridgette and Jesmaine had nothing lethal in mind. How... odd... I should have been jumped at least once as Alstair's fiance, if he was hit more than once.

Were they perhaps preparing a kidnapping?

I mean, one would happen later where the Heroine would be kidnapped, but I wasn't supposed to be a part of that. That was an event between Claire and Soleil.

I do suppose a kidnapping could make sense, if the enemy tried to bring out Augustus...

I glance to Asher who seems unalarmed. He probably made the same conclusion I just did. I see. He was guarding me.

My classes today consist of commerce and dancing lessons primarily, so at least I won't see our beloved heroine until the dancing lesson. Perhaps I'll be able to hear if rumors of the assassination attempts have spread.


There were no rumors of the attempted assassinations at all though. Was Alstair keeping it quiet?

I slipped into the classroom and left Asher behind outside. He had classes as well after all. He seemed dissatisfied with leaving but bowed gracefully.

"I will be back to pick you up after class, my Lady."

"Very well, Asher. I will see you after class," I replied and gave him a satisfied nod, with a small promise that I would expect foul play if he wasn't there. I wasn't sure if he picked up on that intention, but if not, then he probably would soon.

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