171 - Trapped

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Lily's Point of View

I have finally calmed down a bit and can finally think somewhat clearly. The only problem is... it took two days. Two days. Why did it take so long? You might ask, and the reason is quite simple. There has been no time for me to be alone long enough to actually calm down!

I barely got twenty minutes after my tactical retreat before we were called to breakfast and I had to face both of them. Of course Lady Tepet kept giving me exited glances while hinting towards Lionel. Probably waiting for me to tell him. Meanwhile Lionel kept watching me squirm like a hawk with a ferret in its grasp. All while smiling softly. I got quite dizzy from the attention and could barely eat. Then immediately afterwards Magdalin approached me, asking directly what happened between Lionel and I.

I hesitantly told her I drank some alcohol with him, and her reply was 'and then?'. Her interrogation was tough to get through. Of course I tried to misdirect her a bit, but she locked right back onto why I haven't been able to look Lionel in the eyes and why my body keeps giving this annoying, obvious reaction. Now, it's not that I am trying to keep all of this secret... I would if I could, of course, but I just want to talk about these embarrassing things in front of others. Even Magdalin.

In the end I was narrowly saved from her interrogation by the message that we were ready to depart for the capital.

That was roughly two days ago.

Magdalin is not happy. Emily is busy with her study, but reassured Magdalin just once that we didn't do anything we weren't supposed to. Emilia's maid is... well... well mannered and is just being quiet.

However, Lionel, the culprit of my current emotional conflict also comes by to talk routinely throughout the day and every time he does Magdalin stares at him suspiciously like he's a wild dog that can't necessarily be trusted.

"Lily... are you angry with me?"

Now... due to me being flustered and unable to face him due to various circumstances, mainly that I have asked his mother for his hand, breaking etiquette and embarrassing myself, I have had a... hard time talking with him and meeting his eyes... because I have to tell him about this partly failed attempt.

When I think of that, and his words that I should ask him for a proper confession, I realize that I got far too hasty in dealing with this, which only makes the situation more embarrassing.


I glance to him, and for a moment meet with Lionel's worried gaze as he almost leans into the carriage window from his horse. An irrational feeling of excitement and anxiousness spreads through me, causing me to look away. My heart has been going at it wildly every time he comes by, to be honest my own emotions are exhausting me, which is the biggest thing that has allowed me to calm down.

"I am not angry," I correct him.

"Then why are you being like this?" he says rather suspiciously and even glances to Magdalin whose reactions towards him have been a large part in making him more nervous.

Because i have to tell you about my conversation with your mother!

"I don't want to tell you here like this," I reply to postpone the talk, ignoring the looks from Magdalin and the otherwise quiet maid who are both staring holes in me with their curious gazes. The worst part is Emilia that's staring at me disapprovingly with a 'just tell him' sort of look...

But who would ever confess something like this in front of others?!


I stare down to my wrist that has Lionel's hand around it.

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