55 - Scars and Truths - Part 3

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I leaned quietly against the wall and peered quietly at the scene playing out in front of us. Was this going to play out as it should, I wonder? At least, Helena wasn't by the Heroine's side.


Lionel raised an eyebrow at the sound that escaped from Claire, likely unused to hearing a girl actually squeal after being around me so much.

Meanwhile our flustered Heroine's eyes had locked onto his rock like body... but despite the blush she had a hint of determination, as she saw the scars that covered him.

As expected from a man standing in shield walls, many of his scars were on his shoulders and arms. A few appeared at his side as well, from when someone managed to awkwardly squeeze in a spear between the shields.

Lionel's shoulders weren't just scarred, they were battered. For how young he was it was clear he had been to the front line more than once, and that it was already taking its toll on his body. From my standpoint he would likely be unable to lift a shield by the time he turned 20 if he continued at this pace. That is merely four years from now.

I did have a vague feeling that my presence may have made Lionel push himself beyond his limits a few times... but it was something that couldn't be reversed.

In the novel the heroine watched Lionel's scars in horror... but she never commented on where they were or how deep they were either. All in all I hadn't thought about it either... and nor did I ever see him undressed enough to know until now.

However, our beloved Heroine showed no fright nor terror.

"Your injuries... are really bad..."

She was right. They were bad. The skin sunk in here and there from closed and sutured deep wounds. I am quite sure that a few of the hits had chipped off some bone as well.

Lionel merely avoided her gaze with disinterest.

"Would you let me heal them?"

Her question took me aback. It was one thing to heal an open wound, but Lionel's injuries were old and healed up.

Even Lionel raised an eyebrow as he finally looked at her, though, with a coldness I wasn't used to see from his side.

"You can do that?"

Claire nods softly and then motions him to a nearby couch.

Lionel is aware of his physical condition as well. I do not believe there should be any doubt about that. After all, he should be in pain every time he lifts a shield or anything heavy. That said... he does look awfully exhausted today, considering he wasn't a part of the drama that happened in our class.


Once Lionel has sat down and dried off properly, Claire gently puts her hand on his shoulder. As I, she seems to form a frail flower when compared to Lionel's sturdy stature.

A warm light spreads around her hand and over Lionel's skin in an instant. It is as if they're bathed in sunlight... or... radiate it gently... still, gentler than the light of a flame. Lionel's eyes close softly, and he looks... completely relaxed. Like she took away his stress and worries with that single spell.

His shoulder heals. Flawlessly. You'd think she even healed the bones as well. No, she probably did...

It is magic I cannot cast, and her magic truly is beautiful when seen like this. Gentle, warm and caring. It is no wonder that someone like Lionel would fall for her. Still, the original Lionel was much... darker...

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