74 - Honor And Shame - Part 4

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I nearly frown at the thought that has hit me.

Children will always be political tools, both as 'hostages' and as marriage partners.

There is hardly something more valuable to someone than their child. At least, it is supposed to be that way.

If my suspicions are right... then... this is a tremendous crime...

I was hoping to just watch the scene quietly and have a moment of calm... so why was I now faced with this sort of situation?

"W-why are you here?" Soleil's voice was panicked.

I raise an eyebrow and pull away from my own thoughts.

"I suppose, as added value, or because I witnessed the kidnapping?" I offered up as suggestions.

The pale Soleil looked faint.

"The future queen has been kidnapped as well... I..."

Ah... his mind went blank...

He give a firm nod and then looks to Claire.

"When they check on us I will make a distraction. You must get Lily out of here."


Claire's eyes fill with worry and momentary pain... and then she nods determinedly...

The sacrifice she was so against a moment ago was accepted in an instant...




Both of you... stop... of all the people in this room, the two of you needs to get out of here the most. One is hurt and neither can use magic. I may currently be Alstair's fiancé but-

"I understand. I will protect her," our beloved Heroine declares bravely... I am not sure whether or not my presence boosted or ruined the event.

I give an inner sigh.

Either way, a guard was supposed to check up on us quite soon. According to the novel, Soleil charges at the guy and knocks him over. Just barely getting them time enough to run away, after stealing the keys to the handcuffs.

With the handcuffs off Claire heals Soleil, and everything ends happily with them returning to the academy.

Now, you may have wondered why I haven't healed him even though I can use magic... but as long as he isn't in danger of dying I'll need to keep the secret that I can use healing magic. Healing magic is 'Augustus's' thing, and something I've been forbidden from using.

This way Claire also proves herself in a risky situation... though the Claire in this one is... visibly less... shaken than the one in the book.


The door clicks open, and as in the story the reckless and injured Soleil charges at the guard... but the guard lowers his stance like a sumo wrestler and catches the weakened Soleil easily and swings him down to the side, practically throwing Soleil on the ground, and then pins him down...

We should have run now... but we can't...

The guard brought backup.

Two extra guys staring us down for a moment.

I don't think Claire has noticed, but the sight of what just happened makes me glance around the room. The one Soleil tackled was ready for it, so they may have been listening outside the window... it was a lot of effort to make over two ladies and an injured young man.

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