15 - Evening Party at Salender Mansion - Part 1

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Honestly I keep saying this, but let us just repeat this again. I belong on the battlefield. I do not belong in court. The only reason I'm running circles around the kids is because of our difference in age. Soleil for one will be an absolutely terrifying in court when he grows up. I am reminding you of this now, because of the predicament I have put myself in by trying to get out of unpleasant situations.

Some of you have already noticed my... breaches of etiquette during the tea party earlier today. Perhaps some of you may have happily ignored it and just enjoyed the show. However, there are no actions without consequences.

I have made two blatant mistakes with regard to the etiquette of this place.

First, I tossed Lionel into the ground with martial arts. Though only to respond to an aggressive action, I went overboard again. I should have calmly told him off. It cannot do for the crown prince's betrothed to behave in such a... 'boorish' manner.

Secondly, I did something childish. This is less bad than the first one and was overlooked, but tainting someone else's tea with sugar is unacceptable. The only worry here though is that I nearly shared an indirect kiss with someone else than the crown prince.

As such I have been thoroughly scolded for my behavior by Adela until my ears were throbbing. It's a very different punishment than remaining in dogeza for nearly an hour, which was the punishment I was more used to. Still, it's a matter more important than the scolding. From the moment we were introduced at the evening party I've been hearing gossip here and there along the lines of:

"Well, if his highness does not want her as his wife then she could be his bodyguard." Followed up with a bit of giggles and hidden laughs. Of course their eyes aren't laughing. I can sense the disgust in their glances and the much quieter mutters of 'What kind of parents let their girl do such things' and 'She better not teach any of it to my girl', 'How frightening', 'A failure as a woman'.

I grit my teeth and endure it. It's my fault for losing my temper again. For now my excuse is that my body had reacted all on its own at Lionel's breach of etiquette, and the mean and undeserved insult coming from him. It isn't untrue, but whether or not they believe it is a different matter.

...even then I appear to have poked the sleeping bear. I stare up at the man in front of me as he leans down a bit and smiles at me warmly.

"So, could you show me how you did that toss, Lady Lily? Lionel said it looked quite perfected."

I stand under the measuring gaze of the country's head knight Lord Normand Tepet. Lionel's father. I did send his son flying into the ground so of course he would be interested... At least Lionel isn't here right now.

Truthfully, if it had not been for the scolding and the rumors that a spreading at a pace far beyond my control, then I likely would not have minded showing him. Tossing the head knight of a kingdom is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You must understand the mindset here. How often do you get to show off to someone higher ranked than you? And it's the head knight. It is the man considered the strongest warrior in Ristaze.

I want to do it... but I know I cannot. This annoying world does not allow for it. If I gave in and did it, it would reflect badly on my family. Something that cannot be allowed.

"All I did was to act on instinct, Lord Tepet. I do not have any time to practice martial arts."

I couldn't think of anything any further excuses for my behavior. I cannot lie after all.

Lord Tepet stands taller than anyone else in the ballroom. He is a handsomely rugged man with a warm atmosphere around him. To see this bear of a man all neatly dressed up in suit and tie is... something out of the ordinary. I am sure any woman would disappear in his arms, were he to go on the dance floor. She simply would not have presence enough to make herself known. It would simply end up looking like he was dancing alone.

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