141 - Returning Home - Part 2

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Harland Hunter's Point Of View

Oh bloody Scarlet, things have turned into a mess. Everything has been a mess ever since the enemy spy started interfering. Certainly this whole mess could have been solved much more elegantly on my behalf, but how in the world was I going to predict the Celeste army coming by with this sort of timing?!

Furthermore, miss Ruche just called the Augustus Celeste, child of Scorog for LILY! LI-LY as in the daughter of Lord Celeste! Daughter!

I remember rumors among the ladies that she tossed Lionel Tepet when they were children, and quiet accusations that her family had taught her how to use her fists, but this is far beyond that level.

Her parents were letting a girl be in danger. No, knowing what little I do about Lady Lily, it would not surprise me if it was more correct to say that they let her put herself in danger. I never thought that House Celeste would be so cold and uncompassionate as to throw the life of their daughter away in such a way... and now I know.

I know, and she just saw me!

Her eyes darted in my direction even though I'm like thirty meters away hidden in the bushes, and she is not looking happy.

If she finds me and thinks I heard anything I'll die. Even worse, miss Magdalin had some sort of misunderstanding about my fight with the enemy spy and thought I was an enemy!


The lady got up.

There is no way I'm staying to find out what she wants while glaring over here.

I start dashing through the forest and place a few illusionary trees and bushes to block their view just for long enough to let me escape.

As long as I don't head too deep into the forest everything should be fine.


A chill runs through my body as the first cracks of branches sound by the tree line a good deal behind me. They're not wasting time in chasing me, but thankfully the illusions should distract them.

I place a nice little illusion over the ground and remove the extra trees and bushes after I find a nice and dense bush to crawl into. It should largely prevent them from finding any remains of footprints. It's late midsummer, so the ground is drier than usual, but I don't want to take chances.

Their shiny armor sticks out among the foliage, and they're not being quiet either. At least the Lady isn't. I can just barely catch glimpses of what they're doing. It's just two of them...

It might be a waste of mana, but I need to check up on the others.


Looks like miss Magdalin and two others have remained at the road. I can't help but to find relief in this. I can't help but to take it as a sign that they aren't that serious about this.

By the way, I'm not a fool, so I didn't run directly in the opposite direction of where they found miss Magdalin. I mean, who would run the same direction that a stone ball is rolling? In this case the stone ball is the Lady and the knight by her side.

Still... they've started taking their time now.

Unexpectedly they're studying the ground. No, they probably just noticed the magic. The same knight noticed the magic I hid the deadly scene with earlier after all.

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