75 - Arrival of Summer

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We're heading into the summer season, and the only cool places are the hallways.

Summer was always my favorite season in the past, but now the air lingers with a taste of gloom. Even though the weather here is the same, I always seem to be unable to sleep once the heat really hits.

At least Magdalin is an angel no matter what time of the year it is.

Magdalin usually visits me the most during summer, where she childishly insists on making a little 'blanket fortress' over the bed. However, sometimes her work is incredibly elaborate for how childish an idea it is. One time she made a huge blanket with bundles of little holes in it, so that when the light was turned on in the room outside it looked like the night sky... that in itself was brilliant, however, she lathered everything in the heavy and sharp scent of peppermint!

...while I do not dislike the scent of peppermint, there is just a difference between pleasant and nigh dizzying. It invades your nostrils aggressively and just rips at your senses. Sleeping was... uncomfortable, but at least I had no unpleasant dreams during her little scheme. If it hadn't been for that, then I would've lost my patience and ripped it down.

As for this year... I was certain she was finally going to give it up, but instead she handed me that same enormous peppermint lathered blanket. I suppose it is more accurate to say that she had it brought here a few days ago. For now I've shoved it into the closet... the smell still seeps through every part of the room, and my uniform just barely escapes the smell since I hang it on the tiny balcony connected to my room on the first floor. Still, she was looking at me with begging eyes and insisting to the point that I hardly had any choice to accept...

At least she appears to have the best intentions for me...


Soleil probably reported the part about the 'King' that our kidnappers wanted us to meet. For now I'll let them deal with it, after all, I have no political power in that direction. Of course I reported my thoughts to Eric, but that was the limit of what I could do.

The 'King' wanted Claire for himself. There's only three candidates for said position:

Robert Harridan, King of Zocria. A vigorous and lively man with a newborn pair of twins. His Father was forced off the throne in a political move by Robert last year. As far as I recall, it was something about a concubine and a lot of illegitimate children... and the king using money from the country treasury on them. Robert was known to be quite reasonable, and had actually negotiated with us about the fort I took on the border.

More precisely, he set up a bit of trade with it. Of course on the condition that we signed an equal contract that we would not harm the civilians. This may have sounded unreasonable, as I had done no such thing before, but we did slaughter every single soldier, and every messenger we could find. If anything I was surprised with his compassion... of course... I am also aware that he is the type that wouldn't hesitate to hit us in the back if we get distracted.

Landon Mercer Galloyer, King of Semor. This guy is only a couple years older than us, but has taken over the throne already. Apparently, like Mansfield, he took the throne by force... though, this guy didn't do it politically. He gained the loyalty of the soldiers and forced the king off the throne to a... permanent house arrest. Unlike what you would expect he is known for being kinder than the former king by miles, but drowns everyone in paperwork. Incredibly charismatic and good with business, is what the rumors say.

As such, if I hadn't noticed the Semor students try to interfere with Alstair and Claire's relationship, then I wouldn't have suspected them. They were now a suspect as well though. I asked Eric to talk to Wolfram about this as well. They deal with them far more often and should know more.

Philippe Maizin Ronchelieu, King of Headal. The father of Jesmaine's fiancé, who is known for being hungry for war, and has been quite determined to make it past house Tepet before he resigns. Interestingly, his son Jacques hasn't joined in on this hatred towards Ristaze. I do suppose Jesmaine was quite peaceful, so he may have tried to please his fiancé. Though, since she was forced back I guess his patience with her ran out.

Crinia doesn't currently have a king. He... got sick... after house Salender made a visit to convince the Crinian royalty not to start a war... The current queen is a quiet sort, but their oldest daughter, as they never got a son, is trying to prepare and mature for her role at an incredible pace.

Both Crinia and Semor appear to be quite fragile at the moment, so they might be keeping Claire and Alstair apart to prevent war... somehow... but it's not like that would happen, and Claire is not a healer powerful enough to have an immense effect on the battlefield.

Either way, while Headal would have the most use of Claire right now, they wouldn't be able to get her across the well defended border unless they took her north through Semor. Semor should watch their border quite well too, so the thought of them working together lingers. They've never been allies though, but if Semor is taking a diplomatic approach then they might have made a deal like 'you get everything except for the silver mines.'

Ugh... I'm beginning to overthink it... I've no choice but to hope someone knows something I don't. If nothing else I suppose I can be relieved I wasn't actually a target... but Claire probably won't be alone anymore at any time.

Furthermore... Alstair finally took an interest in her...


Magdalin Ruche's Point Of View

Lily's absentmindedness always get worse during the summer. Honestly I've worried about heading into the summer season for a while, because the two guys tearing at Lily-sama's weakness probably won't let this opening go...

Asher is probably the biggest problem... he keeps trying to stay close to her and remind her that he will stay by her side... and of course Lily-sama keeps going quiet at his devoted vows. The vows themselves aren't bad... but he speaks them specifically to make her acknowledge him fully. Thus, this year I've sworn to keep Asher away from Lily-sama for the duration of the summer. I am not sure how, but I need to make it work.

For now I've given her the peppermint blanket to ease her yearly nightmares, but there is a limit to how much I can do. Lily-sama has too much pride to consider the nightmares something she can't handle... and not just a little too much pride. She refuses help with it entirely. Ameline still has a lot of troubles trying to help her each summer exactly because of this. For now I've been able to use childishness as an excuse... but I'm just about unable to use that anymore...

She's even looking up Soleil's family history. Something about checking how many children have died from weak constitutions over the past couple of decades. I take it as a testament to her dropping mood. Furthermore she was just kidnapped too. Perhaps the nightmares might get incredibly bad this year...

At least she seems amused with the sudden progress in her plans... so hopefully that will ease the bad things, even if just a little...

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