63 - The Secrets In A Dance - Part 1

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I peer behind me to Magdalin who appears to be scheming Helena's downfall even without my initiative.

"I'll take care of her, Magdalin. However, I would be quite pleased if you would be there for her punishment."

Magdalin turns her attention to me and gives a firm nod.

"Of course, Lily-sama."

I think she's boiling as much as I am, so I take her hands in mine and give them a little squeeze to make her untense. This seems to work well with Magdalin, who calms down and looks to our hands happily.

"Lily-sama... I should be the one to be there for you, not the other way around... how... are you going to punish her?"

I sense a hint of worry in her voice. By punishing Helena I will probably end on the Heroine's bad side as the 'bully'... but... I cannot let Helena continue as this. In the novel, our Heroine didn't actually speak out against nobility, but she did indeed tell people when they were being cruel and tried to save the victims. However, high nobles do not want to hear that they are wrong, and neither do they want to lose.

"I'll just make her kneel and ask for forgiveness when she comes back on her own." I brush a strand of my blue locks behind my ear.

"Something like insulting nobility when you are merely a high ranked merchant, is like a death sentence, even without my direct involvement."

Asher perks up from behind me at those words while we walk.

"In what way?"

He probably didn't expect Hero-sama to say something like that.

"No one wants to trade or support someone that insults them. That is all. It is merely consequences of bad diplomacy on her part."

In other words, other than sending a letter to the dog's owner, everything would happen without my involvement.

Really, my only worry is our beloved heroine.


It doesn't take us long to get to class, and low and behold here is everyone.

"My lady, I will be heading to training after this, so I will not be able to escort you back to the dorm."

Asher gives an elegant bow with his hand to his heart, eyes soft as he straightens back up.

"I will return to your side by morning," he declares with a hint of warmth.

"Very well. I will expect to see you then, Asher."

I nod in approval... only to feel that icy gaze of malice...

It isn't Asher.

I look around frantically and only find the door to the dancing hall open. Someone in there...

"Is everything alright, my Lady?"

Asher picks up on my caution.

"Everything is fine." While it is malice, it is not killing intent, thus, out of Asher's expertise.

Asher gives a nod, then straightens for a moment and leaves... I send a short look to Magdalin.

"Just now, did you notice someone looking at me?"

Magdalin was surprisingly perceptive as well, and at least high nobles would often overlook her. They could have moved or turned away when I moved, but they may not have considered Magdalin.

Magdalin's eyes veered from the dancing hall and then back to me.

"A bunch of people were, Lily-sama," she answered briefly and then took my hand for a moment and squeezed it with a determined look in her eyes. Magdalin... since when did you get the eyes of a bodyguard heading off to protect their charge?

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